6-110-010 Purpose and intent.
6-110-020 Definitions.
6-110-030 Application to collective bargaining agreements.
6-110-040 Advance notice of work schedules.
6-110-050 Schedule changes.
6-110-060 Offer of additional work hours to existing employees.
6-110-070 Right to rest.
6-110-080 Right to request a flexible working arrangement.
6-110-090 Notice and posting.
6-110-100 Retaliation prohibited.
6-110-110 Avoidance of application.
6-110-120 Enforcement – Rules.
6-110-130 Violation – Penalty.
6-110-140 Private cause of action.
6-110-150 Non-exclusive remedy.
6-110-160 Retention of records.
6-110-170 Access to work site.