5-15-060 Anti-displacement and relocation requirements.
   (a)   Long-term residents. Each resident of an SRO that is scheduled to be demolished, converted, or sold or otherwise transferred, who has resided at the property for at least 32 consecutive days immediately preceding the date the owner initiates, as applicable, either the demolition or conversion, or the sales process described in Section 5-15-050(a), shall be considered a long-term resident. Each owner of an SRO who intends to convert, demolish, or sell or otherwise transfer the property in a manner that will result in the displacement of residents shall submit a list of all long-term residents to the Commissioner of Housing and, where applicable, to the purchaser of the property.
   (b)   Requirements related to displaced residents. In situations where an SRO is scheduled to be converted, demolished and replaced, or sold or otherwise transferred in a manner that results in the displacement of residents, the owner or purchaser, as applicable, shall determine which, if any, of the current income-eligible and lease-compliant long-term residents wish to return to the property. If the number of affordable units scheduled to be retained is more than zero but less than the number of such long-term residents wishing to return, then the owner or purchaser, as applicable, shall determine via lottery which of those residents to invite to return to the property.
      (1)   In situations where conversion or construction renders the SRO temporarily uninhabitable, the owner shall arrange for comparable temporary accommodations, as defined by the Commissioner of Housing, for each resident who is invited and intends to return to the property, as well as all reasonable moving and related expenses, not to exceed one month’s rent (or the amount of rent the resident has paid over the most recent 30 days, if rent is not paid on a monthly basis).
      (2)   In all cases under this subsection 5-15-060(b), the owner or purchaser, as applicable, shall refund to each resident who is not invited to return to the property any security deposit, any interest due on the security deposit, and all prepaid rent. In addition, the owner or purchaser, as applicable, shall pay each such resident who qualifies as a long-term resident a one-time relocation assistance fee in the amount of the greater of $2,000.00 or three months’ rent (or three times the amount of rent the resident has paid over the most recent 30 days, if rent is not paid on a monthly basis). If any affordable housing units will be maintained or created at the property, the owner or purchaser, as applicable, shall also give each displaced long-term resident the option of placement on a waitlist for such a unit. This subsection 5-15-060(b)(2) does not apply to any owner or purchaser subject the Uniform Relocation Act, 42 U.S.C. § 4601, et seq.
   (c)   Higher relocation fee required where owners proceed under subsection 5-15-050(a)(2). In situations where an SRO is scheduled to be sold or otherwise transferred pursuant to the terms described in subsection 5-15-050(a)(2), in addition to complying with the requirements described in subsection 5-15-060(b), the owner shall pay each displaced long-term resident a supplemental one-time relocation assistance fee in the amount of $8,600.00.
   (d)   Higher relocation fee required if property vacated due to unsafe conditions. In the event the City vacates an SRO due to unsafe building conditions, or a court orders an SRO vacated due to unsafe building conditions: (1) the owner shall provide, within 14 days, a one-time relocation assistance fee of $10,600.00 to each person who was a resident of the SRO at the time of the execution of the order to vacate; and (2) if the owner subsequently transfers or sells the property, he shall be required to fulfill the requirements of Section 5-15-050(a), regardless of how much time passes between the execution of the order to vacate and the sale or transfer. In this situation, the term "resident" in Section 5-15-050(a) shall be interpreted to mean "resident of the SRO at the time of the execution of the order to vacate". Subsection 5-15-060(d)(1) does not apply where the unsafe building conditions are caused by fire or casualty, unless the damaging event is directly caused by the owner.
(Added Coun. J. 11-12-14, p. 97375, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-14-18, p. 90308, Art. I, § 34)