4-156-880 Legal duties.
   A licensee under this Article VI shall have the following duties:
   (a)   to designate a person who shall be:
      (1)   present at all times during the industrial venue event and be responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable rules and regulations; and
      (2)   responsible for accepting all notices of violation and of license suspension or revocation and closure orders;
   (b)   to post, in a conspicuous place, a site plan of the establishment, drawn to scale, where events will occur. At a minimum, the site plan shall include exit diagrams, all entrances to and exits from the establishment identifying all means of egress from the establishment, including the location of all available exits and, if applicable, all floor-by-floor corridors, stairways, evacuation routes, areas of rescue assistance and elevator lobbies. Each site plan shall measure not less than 11 inches in width by 17 inches in height, and shall be (i) made of durable material; (ii) illuminated; and (iii) substantially secured to a wall or partition;
   (c)   to post, in a conspicuous place, occupancy placards, reflecting the approved site and site plan for the establishment, in accordance with Section 14A-8-802;
   (d)   to ensure that each vendor, exhibitor or pop-up retail user participating in the event has and posts all licenses required by law;
   (e)   to maintain sanitary conditions in any area where food for the event is prepared, served or stored, or where glasses or utensils used in the service of alcoholic liquor and other beverages are kept and cleaned;
   (f)   to provide and maintain in sanitary condition proper and sufficient toilet facilities, consisting of water closets or chemical closets equipped with a sink or hand-sanitizer-gel-dispensers, for use by persons attending the event;
   (g)   to develop and implement an exterior safety plan meeting the requirements of this subsection. Such plan must prevent the following conditions: (1) excessive noise caused by persons leaving or entering the industrial venue event; (2) loitering or littering by such persons; (3) fighting or other criminal activity by such persons; and (4) the congregation of arrival or departure of persons in such numbers as to unreasonably impede traffic flow.
   The plan shall provide evidence satisfactory to the commissioner of: (i) the installation of adequate exterior lighting in accordance with rules prescribed by the commissioner; (ii) the installation and maintenance of surveillance cameras installed at each building exit utilized by persons attending the industrial venue event, which shall be employed and lighted in such a manner to identify persons entering or exiting the building at least one hour before, during, and one hour after the industrial venue event; and (iii) the employment of adequately trained security personnel in accordance with rules prescribed by the commissioner. Recordings from the surveillance cameras required under this subsection shall be maintained by the licensee for not less than 30 days.
   The existence of any conditions set forth in items (1) through (4) of this subsection shall be prima facie evidence that the exterior safety plan has not been adequately maintained and implemented.
   The licensee shall obtain all necessary permits, including a public way use permit if applicable; provided that, notwithstanding any other provision of the code to the contrary, no fee for a public way use permit will be imposed when the permit is for any camera installed pursuant to this subsection solely because the camera or its wiring is in any portion of the public way.
   (h)   to enter into a written contract, which shall be executed at least 24 hours in advance of the industrial venue event, with the sponsor of the event. Such contract, at a minimum, shall include the following information about the industrial venue event:
      (1)   the licensee's license number;
      (2)   if any other license or permit is required for the event, the applicable license or permit number;
      (3)   the name and mobile phone number of the person designated by the licensee to be present at all times during the event;
      (4)   the number of security personnel, if any, that will be present during the event and the name of the employer of such security personnel;
      (5)   the respective responsibilities, functions, duties and rights of the parties to the contract required under this subsection;
      (6)   the date, location, and hours of operation of the industrial venue event;
      (7)   a provision notifying the sponsor of the event that:
         (A)   the sponsor's communications about the event to invitees, whether by printed invitation or by electronic or social media or other means, shall be limited to a finite number of people;
         (B)   on the day of the event, the maximum occupancy of the space where the event will be held shall not be exceeded under any circumstance; and
         (C)   the licensee's legal obligations under the Illinois Liquor Control Act or this code may require the licensee to cancel or alter the nature of the event if the sponsor fails to comply with the requirements in this Article.
   (i)   to maintain on file, for a period of at least three years after the date on which the industrial venue event is held, a copy of the contract required under subsection (h), and, on the day of the event, to keep a copy of the contract on site at the event; and
   (j)   to ensure that any vendor, exhibitor or pop-up retail user participating in an industrial venue event has, and posts, all licenses required by law.
(Added Coun. J. 2-10-16, p. 18766, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. V, § 34; Amend Coun. J. 9-20-18, p. 84293, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. II, § 45)