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Provisions shall be made to insure that stresses due to wind loads, dead loads and loads due to material storage and erection equipment occurring during the erection of any structure shall not exceed the allowable stresses for materials as limited by the provisions of this Code.
(Prior code § 76-2)
Editor's note – The provisions of former § 13-124-030 are now codified as § 13-34-020.
(a) Covering of Openings. All stairways, elevator openings, flues and all other openings in the floors shall be covered or properly protected.
(b) Openings for Hoists. All openings through which hoists operate shall be properly enclosed on all sides.
(Prior code § 76-4)
In buildings where construction of the super- structure precedes the construction of the permanent floor panels, a substantial temporary floor shall be constructed and maintained at a level not more than two floors below the level at which erection work is being performed.
(Prior code § 76-5)
The demolition of any building or structure shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 13-124-070 to 13-124-110, inclusive.
(Prior code § 76-6)