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Article I. Safeguards During Construction
13-124-010 Construction safeguards – Specifications.
13-124-015 Notice of demolition.
13-124-020 Construction loads.
13-124-030 Reserved.
13-124-040 Protection of floor openings.
13-124-050 Temporary flooring.
13-124-060 Demolition – Regulations.
13-124-070 Demolition – Notification of commissioner.
13-124-080 Demolition – Procedure.
13-124-081 Posting of sign required.
13-124-090 Wrecking operations – Time limitations.
13-124-100 Filling and grading of openings.
13-124-110 Debris removal.
13-124-120 Temporary structures – Reflective material required.
13-124-130 Walkways, barricades and fences – Generally.
13-124-140 – 13-124-170 Reserved.
13-124-180 Walkways and temporary sidewalks – Construction requirements.
13-124-190 Roofs and skylights of adjoining buildings.
13-124-200 Anchorage of party walls.
13-124-210 Reserved.
13-124-220 Reserved.
13-124-230 Reserved.
13-124-240 Reserved.
13-124-250 Reserved.
13-124-260 Reserved.
13-124-270 Reserved.
13-124-280 Reserved.
13-124-290 Reserved.
13-124-300 Reserved.
Article II. Safety Requirements
13-124-310 Guards – Required.
13-124-320 Guards – Required – Where.
13-124-330 Guards – Types.
13-124-335 Openings in guards.
13-124-340 Window cleaning devices.
13-124-350 Safety glazing materials – Required – Where.
13-124-360 Safety glazing materials – Defined.
13-124-370 Safety glazing materials – Standards.
Article III. Excavation Work on Private Property
13-124-380 Declaration of policy.
13-124-390 Notice.
13-124-400 Bracing of certain structures required.
13-124-410 Liability for violation.
13-124-411 Fencing of certain excavations.
13-124-420 Insurance required.
13-124-430 Commissioner may promulgate rules.
13-124-440 Penalty for violation.
13-124-450 Exemptions.
(a) Statutory Provisions. All persons having the control or supervision of any building in course of erection shall comply with an act of the Legislature of the State of Illinois entitled “An Act Providing for the Protection and Safety of Persons in or about Construction, Repairing, Alteration, or Removal of Buildings, Bridges, Viaducts, and other Structures and to Provide for the Enforcement Thereof”, approved June 3, 1907, and as amended.
(b) Accepted Engineering Practice. With respect to safeguards during construction, all applicable provisions of this Code and the following documents shall be considered as accepted engineering practice:
(1) American National Standard ANSI A10.4-1990, Safety Requirements for Personnel Hoists;
(2) American National Standard ANSI A10.5-1992, Safety Requirements for Material Hoists;
(3) American National Standard ANSI A12.1-1973 Safety Requirements for Floors and Walls Openings, Railings and Toeboards.
(Prior code § 76-1; Amend Coun. J. 2-13-85, p. 13527; Amend Coun. J. 7-31-02, p. 91334, § 2)
(a) At least ten days prior to beginning work to demolish a building, facility or other structure for which a permit is required under this Code, the owner of the property where the work is to be done shall notify the owners of adjacent properties of the demolition work, and alderman of the ward in which the proposed demolition work is to be located; provided that no such notice is required if (i) immediate demolition is necessary to protect against an imminent threat to the safety of the public; or (ii) demolition has been ordered or authorized by a court or administrative authority of competent jurisdiction. The notice shall be in writing, and shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal delivery to the person entitled to receive the notice, accompanied by a receipt for delivery. When the notice is served by personal delivery, the owner of the property shall submit to the department of buildings a signed affidavit stating the date and time of the delivery and an explanation of how the notice was served. The receipt, affidavit and a copy of the notice shall be available for inspection at the demolition site.
(b) The notice shall include the anticipated starting and completion date of the demolition work and the address at which it will be performed, and the name and telephone number of the contractor or other person performing the demolition work, and the following sentence: “Shortly before demolition, the City of Chicago may be using the structure at the above address for Chicago Fire Department training exercises.” The notice also shall include the following language:
“Nuisance controls imposed by the City of Chicago that apply to demolition work include the following:
(1) Dust. In order to avoid excessive dust, the area must be kept wet during processing except during periods that are below freezing. Chutes, plastic tarps and other measures are also necessary to provide dust control. Chutes are also required when lowering debris from upper floors.
(2) Water and mud. Any large amounts of water or mud debris must be removed, including water and mud on surrounding streets, on a daily basis.
(3) Waste materials management. Building refuse must not litter the demolition site. All litter and waste must be removed from the site in a timely manner and taken to a permitted waste or recycling facility. However, certain recyclable materials that will be reused may remain on the demolition site.
(4) Waste left on site. In the event waste or debris must be stored on the site temporarily, it must be placed in containers and secured. If any materials are capable of becoming windblown or dispersing particles into the air, they must be secured and covered with a tarp or some other type of covering.
(5) Site cleanliness. Additional regulations governing the cleanliness of all construction and demolition sites are set forth in Section 13-32-125 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which may be found on the City of Chicago Department of Building's Web Site at
Violations of City of Chicago ordinances and regulations governing demolitions may be reported to the city by calling 3-1-1.”
(c) No demolition permit may be issued under this Code unless the applicant provides proof that notice has been mailed or delivered as required by this section.
(Added Coun. J. 5-11-05, p. 47841, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-05, p. 55256, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-9-07, p. 104606, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)
Provisions shall be made to insure that stresses due to wind loads, dead loads and loads due to material storage and erection equipment occurring during the erection of any structure shall not exceed the allowable stresses for materials as limited by the provisions of this Code.
(Prior code § 76-2)
Editor's note – The provisions of former § 13-124-030 are now codified as § 13-34-020.
(a) Covering of Openings. All stairways, elevator openings, flues and all other openings in the floors shall be covered or properly protected.
(b) Openings for Hoists. All openings through which hoists operate shall be properly enclosed on all sides.
(Prior code § 76-4)