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13-52-010 Generally.
13-52-020 Resource document.
13-52-030 Permit drawings.
13-52-040 General structural integrity.
13-52-050 Additions to existing structures.
13-52-060 Load tests.
13-52-070 Floor loads.
13-52-080 Dead loads.
13-52-090 Live loads.
13-52-100 Thrusts on handrails and guards.
13-52-110 Thrust on passenger vehicle railings.
13-52-120 Provision for partitions.
13-52-130 Concentrated loads.
13-52-140 Accessible roof-supporting members.
13-52-150 Live loads not specified.
13-52-160 Partial loading.
13-52-170 Impact loading.
13-52-180 Special loading.
13-52-190 Posting of floor loads.
13-52-200 Restriction on loading.
13-52-210 Reduction in live loads.
13-52-220 Roof loads.
13-52-230 Minimum roof live loads.
13-52-240 Special purpose roofs.
13-52-250 Nonload bearing partitions and suspended ceilings.
13-52-260 Ponding loads.
13-52-270 Rain loads.
13-52-280 Snow loads.
13-52-290 Lateral loads.
13-52-300 General lateral loads.
13-52-310 Minimum wind design pressures – Buildings and portions thereof and other structures.
13-52-320 Interior non-load bearing partitions.
13-52-330 Tornados.
13-52-340 Earthquakes.
13-52-350 Soil and hydrostatic pressure.
13-52-360 Pressure on basement walls.
13-52-370 Uplift on floors.
13-52-380 Other loads.
Buildings or other structures hereafter erected shall be designed and constructed to support safely the minimum design loads, including dead loads as required in this section, without exceeding the allowable stresses (or specified strengths when appropriate load factors are applied) required in this Code for the materials of construction in the structural members and connections.
(Prior code § 68-1; Added Coun. J. 11-29-89, p. 8387)
The American National Standard Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures ANSI-A58.1-1982 provides resource data for the design of buildings and other structures that are subject to the Chicago Building Code requirements. Resource data include guidelines for general structural integrity, reference information on loads including the determination of wind loading on buildings and other structures, diagrams for balanced and unbalanced snow loading and snow drift configurations, typical influence areas and references to substantiating technical data.
(Prior code § 68-1.1; Added Coun. J. 11-29-89, p. 8387)
Through accident or misuse, structures may suffer local damage, that is, the loss of load resistance in an element or small portion of the structure. The building commissioner is concerned that buildings and structural systems shall be able to sustain local damage with the structure as a whole remaining stable and not being damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original local damage.
(Prior code § 68-1.3; Added Coun. J. 11-29-89, p. 8387; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 20; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)
When an existing building or other structure is enlarged or otherwise altered, all portions thereof affected by such enlargement or alteration shall be strengthened, if necessary, so that all loads will be supported safely without exceeding the allowable stresses (or specified strengths, when appropriate load factors are applied) for the materials of construction in the structural members and connections.
(Prior code § 68-1.4; Added Coun. J. 11-29-89, p. 8387)