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General. Every fume or flammable compressed gas building shall be without any basement, except such a basement as is permitted for a hazardous chemical storage building.
Fume Hazard Gases. Type IA, IB, IC, II, IIIA, IIIB or IIIC construction shall be used for any building in which any fume hazard gas is manufactured, compressed or stored; provided, however, that a building may be of any type of construction permissible respectively for an industrial unit or a storage unit under the provisions of this Code, where any gas is permitted to be stored or used on the premises. Every such building of Type IIIA, IIIB or IIIC construction should be not more than one story above grade in height and shall have no mezzanine unless such building is equipped throughout with a standard system of automatic sprinklers.
Flammable Compressed Gases. Type IA, IB or IC construction shall be used for any building in which any flammable compressed gas is manufactured, compressed or stored; provided, however, that a building may be of any type of construction permissible respectively for an industrial unit or a storage unit under Chapter 13-48, where any such gas is permitted to be stored or used on the premises.
Refrigerating Systems. Any mechanical refrigerating system built in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13-192 shall be exempt from the provisions of this section.
Natural and/or Manufacturing Gas Holders. It shall be unlawful to take out of service any gas holders containing flammable compressed gases, or to make any connections thereto within the city without first notifying the building commissioner 24 hours in advance, and without first emptying and purging such gas holders of all explosive gases, and without first making a physical disconnection of all connecting piping, taking out sections thereof to make such disconnections. Before making such repairs, the contents of the gas holders shall be tested and the analysis of the mixture of air or inert gases therein shall be recorded and reported to the building commissioner. Every such gas holder or tank containing more than 2,500 cubic feet of gas shall be inspected at least once every five years by a recognized authority employed by the owner and approved by the building commissioner, and a report of all such inspections showing the condition of said gas holder or tank, together with a statement of necessary repairs and the further statement that such repairs have been made and that said gas holder or tank is in a good and safe condition with an expectancy that this condition will endure for the succeeding term of five years, shall be submitted to the building commissioner. A noncorrosive metal tag containing the date of every such inspection and approval shall be attached to each such gas holder following every such inspection. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to cylinders or containers meeting the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission regulations for interstate shipments.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
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