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Every dry cleaning building in which a flammable solvent having a flashpoint below 140 degrees Fahrenheit (closed cup tester) is used shall be of Type IA, IB or IC construction, with all walls, both exterior and interior, of construction the same as required for a fire wall. There shall be no basement or mezzanine in any such building. The surface of the first floor shall be higher than any walk, pavement or ground adjoining the building, and the first floor construction shall be such that there will be no air space or void in or beneath it. There shall be no doorway, window or other opening between any two dry cleaning rooms. Every doorway of any such building shall be provided with a noncombustible door and every window thereof shall be a fire window.
Dry cleaning systems utilizing a solvent having a flashpoint of 140 degrees Fahrenheit and above (closed cup tester) may be employed in any business, mercantile, storage or industrial unit; provided, that the equipment installed therein shall conform to the standards for dry cleaning plants as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association's Pamphlet 32, 1964 Edition, as amended April, 1968, for the class designated therein as Class II; provided further that in buildings of mixed occupancy such dry cleaning systems shall be separated from other occupancies by construction of two-hour fire-resistive value; provided further, that doorways communicating with other occupancies or with a public corridor are provided with Class C fire-resistive doors; provided further, that rooms in which such systems are employed shall have windows in area equal to not less than ten percent of the floor area; provided further, that such windows shall be hung off center and made to operate by rate of rise device so that the sash will drop outward in the event of fire or explosion; provided further, that such windows shall open to street, alley or court or other space open to the sky; and provided further, that no such dry cleaning system shall be located in any part of a building used as a retail store in which more than two salespersons are employed.
Dry cleaning systems in which solvents of the chlorinated hydrocarbon type are used may be employed in any business, mercantile, industrial or storage unit; provided, that such system is so constructed as to prevent the escape of any vapors into the atmosphere of the room, or shall be enclosed within airtight partitions, immediately surrounding the system, so as to prevent the escape of such vapors beyond the enclosed space; provided further, that in any case where such systems are used, adequate ventilation capable of changing the air in the room every three minutes shall be supplied; provided, that such systems shall exhaust to the outside atmosphere, and the exhaust outlet shall not be closer than 20 feet to the opening of any building; and provided further, that no such dry cleaning system shall be located in any dwelling or place of public assembly except in a dry cleaning room in a multiple-occupancy building complying with all of the following:
(a) The building shall have an approved standard automatic sprinkler system installed in all spaces.
(b) The room shall be isolated from any dwelling unit or place of public assembly by horizontal and vertical separation of a minimum of three hours.
(c) There shall be no direct-fired heating unit within the room.
(d) The handling of drums of cleaning solvent within the building shall be only by licensed operating engineers. This shall include charging and draining of cleaning system.
(e) Ventilation above specified shall be provided by supply and exhaust systems serving only the cleaning room.
(Prior code § 129.1-84; Amend Coun. J. 3-11-87, p. 40187)