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Kettles, vats, saturators and other vessels used in manufacturing processes and which have a capacity of more than five gallons of flammable liquids shall not be located within five feet of combustible material, nor within five feet of any exit. All combustible floors within ten feet of such containers shall be protected with a noncombustible covering. All kettles and other open containers shall be provided with substantial covers arranged to close automatically by heat-actuated devices, or shall be provided with equipment to flood such tank with standard foam-solution fire extinguisher, or a standard dry-powder fire extinguisher, or an approved carbon dioxide extinguisher as defined in Article II of Chapter 15-16 of this Code.
(Prior code § 129.1-44)
(a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 15-24-540 or in subsection (b) of this section, all distilling and condensing plants shall have a clearance of not less than 300 feet in reference to any building or lot line.
(b) Buildings, or parts thereof, used to distill ethyl alcohol, either as a primary or auxiliary use, shall be classified as a Class G-2, moderate hazard industrial unit, and shall have either (1) a clearance of not less than 300 feet in reference to any building or lot line, or (2) at least a four-hour fire-resistive separation to all other uses. In addition, all flammable liquid storage or any dust producing operations shall comply with all applicable city requirements.
(Prior code § 129.1-45)(Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 11951, Art. X, § 14)
Nothing in the building provisions of this Code shall be construed prohibiting the use of flammable liquid reclaimers or recovery systems, the capacity of which is less than ten gallons per hour and which equipment shall not heat the liquid above 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and which shall have no open flame. Such devices shall be arranged so that all gasoline or kerosene and similar vapor which are removed from the oil, shall be condensed and collected in a closed vaportight container.
(Prior code § 129.1-46)
“Paint mixing room” means a room designed, intended or used for the purpose of mixing paint, varnish, lacquer, enamel or other such volatile or flammable liquid or liquid containing any volatile flammable substance in solution or suspension, during any 24-hour period.
“Paint spraying room” means a room designed, intended or used for the purpose of spraying more than ten gallons of paints, varnish, lacquer, enamel or other such volatile or flammable liquid or liquid containing any volatile flammable substance in solution or suspension during any 24-hour period; without use of an approved spray booth.
“Paint spraying” means the application of flammable or combustible paint, varnish, lacquer, enamel, stain or other such volatile or flammable liquid, or liquid containing any volatile flammable substance in solution or suspension applied as a spray by whatever means, in continuous or intermittent processes, where more than one gallon of such liquid is used in any 24-hour period.
“Spray area” means any area in which dangerous quantities of flammable vapors or combustible residues, dusts or deposits are present due to the operation of spraying processes. The spray area shall include:
(a) The interior of spray booths;
(b) The interior of ducts exhausting from spraying processes;
(c) Any area in the direct path of spray or any area containing dangerous quantities of air- suspended combustible residue, dust, deposits, spray or vapor as a result of spraying operations.
“Spray booth” means a specially designed enclosure constructed of noncombustible materials and otherwise complying with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable sections of this Code, in which paint-spraying operations are carried on.
(Prior code § 129.1-47)
Spraying. Paint-spraying operations shall not be permitted in any institutional building. Paint-spraying operations shall not be permitted in any assembly, school or multiple-dwelling building except in a room designed for the purpose, protected with an approved system of automatic sprinklers and separated vertically and horizontally from other parts of the building by construction having not less than two-hour fire-resistive rating.
(Prior code § 129.1-48)
Every paint-mixing room, paint-spraying room and every room containing a japanning dip tank, vat or japanning oven located in any building other than a building of Type IA, IB or IC construction which is also equipped throughout with a standard system of automatic sprinklers, shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this section. Any such room, with a floor area of not more than 600 square feet, shall have a floor of any type of construction permitted for the building in which located and shall have both walls and ceiling of one-hour fire-resistive construction. Any such room, with a floor area of more than 600 square feet and not more than 1,200 square feet, may have a floor of any type of construction permitted for the building in which located, and shall have both walls and ceiling of two-hour fire-resistive construction. Any such room with a floor area of more than 1,200 feet, shall be separated from every other part of the building by not less than four-hour fire-resistive construction. No such rooms shall have any opening except a doorway or doorways between such room and any part of the building. Every doorway through any such wall or separation shall be provided with a door of the character required by Chapter 15-12 for fire doors. Nothing in this section shall be constructed as prohibiting or preventing the installation of noncombustible piping or conveyors or similar dust-tight enclosed mechanical devices between floors or stories in such rooms or buildings.
(Prior code § 129.1-49)
(Prior code § 129.1-50)