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No person shall carry or transport on any public conveyance or on any railroad car running from point to point in the city, any black powder, guncotton, giant powder, dynamite, nitroglycerine, fulminate of mercury, or any other explosives.
(Prior code § 125-4)
(a) In blasting, it shall be unlawful to use a quantity of explosive exceeding in disruptive force the equivalent of one pound in weight of 40 percent dynamite for each two feet depth of hole that is above or less than ten feet below the curb; and the equivalent of one pound in weight of 60 percent dynamite, for each two feet depth of hole that is more than ten feet below the curb.
(b) Frozen or partly frozen explosives shall not be placed in drill holes. Frozen cartridges, if not capped, must be returned to the thawing apparatus to be thawed. The removal of a primer from a frozen cartridge is hereby prohibited.
(c) In tamping drill holes, wooden rammers only shall be employed. Tamping by strokes is forbidden, and only direct application of pressure permitted.
(d) Blasts, except as hereinafter provided, shall be fired by the application of some form of electrical current only. In blasting in stone quarries, it shall be permissible to fire blasts by the application of time fuses.
(e) In case of an explosion not carrying away the entire drill hole, but leaving the lower part intact, it is prohibited to begin drilling from the bottom of the old drill hole.
(f) In order to insure the safety of surrounding property and persons, no larger charge shall be used than is necessary to properly start the object it is intended to wreck or blast, and excavating contiguous to any structure shall be so carried on as not to cause damage to such structure. Weak walls or other supports of such structure must be shored up. The blasting of decomposed or soft rock is hereby prohibited.
(g) Before any blast shall be fired, except in tunnels, the rock to be blasted shall be covered on the top and sides with timber and covered with stout metal matting or some other equally serviceable material to prevent the debris from flying.
(h) When necessary, competent men carrying red flags shall be placed at a reasonable distance from the blasts on all sides to give warning at least three minutes in advance.
(Prior code § 125-5)
No explosives shall be landed at the piers or elsewhere in the city, or transported to a vessel lying at a pier, unless the explosives contained in the vessel making delivery are in charge of a duly certified employee of a person licensed to transport or sell explosives within the city limits. No explosives shall be landed at any pier in the city unless for immediate loading into wagons for distribution to consumers for use within 48 hours and for which orders have been previously received, or for immediate transportation by railway to points beyond the city limits; and explosives received at railway stations within the city limits shall be promptly discharged and removed to such storage as the provisions of this chapter prescribe. Explosives received at any railway or freight stations within the city limits, for reshipment to points beyond the city limits, shall be promptly transferred; provided, however, that no explosives received for shipment shall remain at any railway or freight station for a period exceeding 48 hours. Every railroad car containing explosives within the city limits must be placarded on sides and ends with standard explosive placards as prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission regulations for explosives and other dangerous articles.
(Prior code § 125-8)
All boxes in which explosive cartridges containing nitroglycerine are packed must be lined with a suitable material that is impervious to liquid nitroglycerine. Cardboard cartons closed at the bottom and made of strong and flexible material that is impervious to nitroglycerine may be used as a lining. At least one- fourth of an inch of dry sawdust or wood pulp or similar material must be spread over the bottom of the box before inserting the cartridges, and all the vacant space in the top must be filled with this material. The cartridges must be so arranged in the boxes that when they are transported with the boxes top side up all cartridges will be on their side and never on their ends.
No explosive cartridge sold shall be larger than four inches in diameter and eight inches long. Packages of explosives shall not contain more than 50 pounds.
(Prior code § 125-10)