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“Explosives” means any chemical compounded or mechanical mixture which is commonly used or intended for the purpose of producing an explosion, or which contains any oxidizing and combustible units, or other ingredients, in such proportions, quantities or packing that an ignition by fire, by friction, by concussion, by percussion, or by detonator of any part of the compound or mixture may cause such a sudden generation of highly heated gases that the resultant gaseous pressures will be capable of producing destructive effects on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb articles subdivided as follows:
(a) Unlawful Explosives. The manufacture, storage, sale, transportation or use of the following explosives is hereby prohibited:
1. Liquid nitroglycerine, except for medicinal purposes;
2. Explosives containing chlorate of potash, perchlorate of potash, and picric acid, except as used in blasting caps; provided, however, that any explosive containing chlorate of potash may be sold if it first conforms to the following test: Such mixture must be able to withstand a glancing blow inflicted with a rawhide mallet on soft wood without in any manner exploding, and also such mixture must be made so as not to reduce the chlorate;
3. Nitroglycerine dynamite containing over 60 percent of nitroglycerine, or gelatine dynamite equal in strength to over 75 percent of nitroglycerine dynamite;
4. Blasting caps containing less than nine and one-half grains of explosive mixture, at least 80 percent fulminate of mercury and 20 percent chlorate of potash, or its equivalent detonating strength;
5. Any fulminate of mercury in a dry condition;
6. Any fulminate of other metals in any condition except as a component of articles not otherwise prohibited;
7. Any fireworks which combine an explosive and a detonator;
8. Nitrocellulose in a dry and uncompressed condition in quantity greater than ten pounds net weight in one package;
9. Explosive compositions that ignite spontaneously or undergo marked decomposition, rendering the products or their use more hazardous, when subjected to 48 consecutive hours or less to a temperature of 167 degrees Fahrenheit;
10. New explosives until approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission or Department of Transportation, except that permits may be issued to educational, governmental or industrial laboratories for instructional or research purposes;
11. Explosives condemned by the Interstate Commerce Commission or Department of Transportation;
12. Explosives not packed or marked in accordance with the requirement of the Interstate Commerce Commission or Department of Transportation;
13. Explosives containing an ammonium salt and a chlorate.
(b) Authorized Explosives. Black powder high explosives not otherwise prohibited by the foregoing subparagraph, blasting caps, smokeless powder, wet fulminate or mercury, ammunition for cannon and small arms, explosive projectiles, railway torpedoes and flares, marine and highway flares, detonating fuses, primers, fuses and safety squibs. Such explosives may be stored or used in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
(Prior code § 125-1)
For licensing provisions, certificate of fitness requirements, permits and bonding requirements, see Chapter 15-4.
(Prior code § 125-2)
(a) No explosives shall be transported in any vehicles through the public ways of the city unless such vehicle is in charge of two competent persons each holding a certificate of fitness for such purpose. Said certificate of fitness shall be issued only to employees of a person duly licensed to transport or sell explosives in the city.
(b) Any mechanically propelled vehicle used for the transportation of explosives shall be in good condition for service, and shall have an enclosed wooden body completely fire-protected on the outside. The motor, fuel tank, carburetor, electric wiring and exhaust, shall be separate from the body of the vehicle. Internal combustion engines shall be separated not less than two feet from the outer wall of the body in which explosives are to be carried. All such vehicles must be constructed and maintained in accordance with specifications of, and subject to the approval of, the fire commissioner, who shall inspect or cause to be inspected all such vehicles at least once every six months. Mechanically driven vehicles must be equipped with such a device or devices as will not permit a speed in excess 15 miles per hour.
(c) No metal tools or other pieces of metal shall be carried within a vehicle carrying explosives, except in a separate tool box.
(d) No blasting caps or electric blasting caps or other combustible material shall be transported in the same vehicles with other explosives.
(e) A vehicle carrying explosives shall have motive power amply able to draw the load, and it shall avoid stoppages other than to load and unload, and no unnecessary stops or stands shall be made.
(f) Vehicles carrying explosives must not be left standing unless absolutely necessary, and then only when the brakes are set and motors stopped.
(g) No explosives shall be left in a vehicle unless such vehicle is in charge of an employee with a certificate of fitness, and no vehicle loaded with explosives shall be left unattended.
(h) Every vehicle carrying more than five pounds of explosive substances referred to in Section 15-20-010 shall display upon an erect pole at the front end of such vehicle and at such height that it shall be visible from all directions a red flag with the word “Danger” printed, stamped or sewn thereon in white letters at least six inches in height, or in lieu of such flag the word “Explosives” must be painted on or attached to the rear end and each side of such vehicle in letters at least four inches in height.
(i) Vehicles carrying explosives shall comply with Sections 15-24-1150 to 15-24-1210, inclusive. Wherever the phrase flammable liquids is used, it shall mean explosives and wherever the phrase truck, tank truck, semitank truck, or tank vehicle is used, it shall mean vehicles on which explosives are transported. The truck shall meet applicable Department of Transportation and/or Interstate Commerce Commission regulations and all requirements of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago.
(j) No intoxicated person shall be permitted on a vehicle carrying explosives.
(k) No smoking within ten feet of a vehicle loaded with explosives shall be permitted.
(l) No person shall carry or transport in or upon such vehicle any explosives in excess of 2,000 pounds.
(m) No person in charge of a vehicle carrying explosives shall deliver them except in original and unbroken packages, nor at any place other than a duly authorized magazine and to the person in charge thereof.
(n) Each vehicle shall carry an approved water- type fire extinguisher thereon of not less than two and one-half gallons capacity.
(Prior code § 125-3; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 140)
No person shall carry or transport on any public conveyance or on any railroad car running from point to point in the city, any black powder, guncotton, giant powder, dynamite, nitroglycerine, fulminate of mercury, or any other explosives.
(Prior code § 125-4)
(a) In blasting, it shall be unlawful to use a quantity of explosive exceeding in disruptive force the equivalent of one pound in weight of 40 percent dynamite for each two feet depth of hole that is above or less than ten feet below the curb; and the equivalent of one pound in weight of 60 percent dynamite, for each two feet depth of hole that is more than ten feet below the curb.
(b) Frozen or partly frozen explosives shall not be placed in drill holes. Frozen cartridges, if not capped, must be returned to the thawing apparatus to be thawed. The removal of a primer from a frozen cartridge is hereby prohibited.
(c) In tamping drill holes, wooden rammers only shall be employed. Tamping by strokes is forbidden, and only direct application of pressure permitted.
(d) Blasts, except as hereinafter provided, shall be fired by the application of some form of electrical current only. In blasting in stone quarries, it shall be permissible to fire blasts by the application of time fuses.
(e) In case of an explosion not carrying away the entire drill hole, but leaving the lower part intact, it is prohibited to begin drilling from the bottom of the old drill hole.
(f) In order to insure the safety of surrounding property and persons, no larger charge shall be used than is necessary to properly start the object it is intended to wreck or blast, and excavating contiguous to any structure shall be so carried on as not to cause damage to such structure. Weak walls or other supports of such structure must be shored up. The blasting of decomposed or soft rock is hereby prohibited.
(g) Before any blast shall be fired, except in tunnels, the rock to be blasted shall be covered on the top and sides with timber and covered with stout metal matting or some other equally serviceable material to prevent the debris from flying.
(h) When necessary, competent men carrying red flags shall be placed at a reasonable distance from the blasts on all sides to give warning at least three minutes in advance.
(Prior code § 125-5)