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Subdivision 116 – Licensing
4-28-010 Definitions.
4-28-020 License – Required.
4-28-030 License – Nontransferability – Posting.
4-28-040 License – Application.
4-28-050 License fee.
4-28-060 Insurance – Required.
4-28-070 Bond – Required.
4-28-080 Indemnification agreement – Required.
4-28-090 Instruction and examination – Required.
4-28-100 Approval, inspection and permit – Required.
4-28-110 License – Classification.
4-28-120 License – Termination – Penalty for late renewal.
4-28-130 Regulations.
4-28-140 License – Suspension and revocation.
4-28-150 Violation – Penalty.
As used in this chapter:
“City” means City of Chicago.
“Commissioner” means commissioner of water management.
“Department” means department of water management.
“Drain layer” means any person who constructs, repairs, adjusts, rods, cleans, lines or videotapes any subsurface structure designed to collect or transport stormwater and/or sanitary wastewater. The term does not include any employee of the City of Chicago who performs any such work in the course of his employment.
“Videotapes” or “videotaping” means closed circuit inspection.
(Added Coun. J. 12-12-01, p. 76426, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 1.8)
An application for a drain layer's license shall be made to the commissioner on a form supplied by the department, and shall be accompanied by the following:
(1) the applicant's full name, residence address, residence telephone number, business address and business telephone number;
(2) a description of the type of work in which the applicant will engage;
(3) the license fee;
(4) proof of insurance as required by Section 4-28-060;
(5) a bond as required by Section 4-28-070;
(6) an indemnification agreement as required by Section 4-28-080;
(7) proof that the applicant has successfully completed a course of instruction in drain laying and passed the drain layer's examination as required by Section 4-28-090;
(8) proof that the applicant has paid any assessed penalties and fees; and
(9) any other information that the commissioner may require.
(Added Coun. J. 12-12-01, p. 76426, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 11951, Art. VI, § 11)