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Every person furnishing or selling gas for illuminating or fuel purposes within the city shall supply or furnish to every person employed by such person as inspector of gas meters, or examiner or tester of meters, or meter statement taker, a uniform or badge showing conspicuously the nature of the employment and the name of the person by whom he is employed. Said employer shall register the name of each person so employed with the inspector of weights and measures.
No person so employed for testing, examining, removing or inspecting said meters shall engage in such employment unless he is wearing a uniform or badge in a conspicuous manner, so that it can be readily perceived. It shall be unlawful for any person not employed in any such capacity to enter or secure entrance into any house, building or store upon the representation that he is thus employed, or to wear any uniform or badge showing or representing any such employment.
(Prior code § 187-7)
There shall be maintained in the office of the inspector of weights and measures at least three standard gas meters which have been tested, sealed and certified by the United States Bureau of Standards. The meters so maintained shall be used as standards for the purpose of checking the working provers which are used by said inspector of weights and measures in checking and testing meters used by consumers of gas.
The unit of measure to be employed by the inspector of weights and measures in making the test of meters herein provided for shall be the cubic foot containing 62,321 pounds of rain or distilled water at a temperature of 62 degrees Fahrenheit, and at a barometric pressure of 30 inches.
(Prior code § 187-8)
Whenever a request shall be made to inspect any meter which is installed in any premises, the inspector of weights and measures shall notify the gas company owning the same to disconnect and detach such meter and convey the same to such place as he may direct for the purpose of making his inspection, and request the said gas company to install another meter in place of the one so removed for inspection and test.
When a meter is removed for inspection and test thereof, a meter which has been tested and sealed as herein provided shall immediately be installed in place of the removed meter by the person furnishing the gas.
(Prior code § 187-10)
No meter after having been once tested and sealed as herein provided shall be allowed to remain in service longer than seven years before being again tested and sealed, as herein provided.
Any person furnishing gas to any consumer, whose meter shall not have been tested and sealed for a period of two years, shall, upon written request of such consumer and within 20 days after receipt of such request and without charge to such consumer, remove such meter and install in place thereof a meter which has been tested and sealed as herein provided.
(Prior code § 187-12)