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Whenever a request shall be made to inspect any meter which is installed in any premises, the inspector of weights and measures shall notify the gas company owning the same to disconnect and detach such meter and convey the same to such place as he may direct for the purpose of making his inspection, and request the said gas company to install another meter in place of the one so removed for inspection and test.
When a meter is removed for inspection and test thereof, a meter which has been tested and sealed as herein provided shall immediately be installed in place of the removed meter by the person furnishing the gas.
(Prior code § 187-10)
No meter after having been once tested and sealed as herein provided shall be allowed to remain in service longer than seven years before being again tested and sealed, as herein provided.
Any person furnishing gas to any consumer, whose meter shall not have been tested and sealed for a period of two years, shall, upon written request of such consumer and within 20 days after receipt of such request and without charge to such consumer, remove such meter and install in place thereof a meter which has been tested and sealed as herein provided.
(Prior code § 187-12)
Any consumer's meter tested by the inspector of weights and measures shall be deemed to be correct if it registers not to exceed two percent above or below accuracy. Any meter found to be slow or fast shall be adjusted by the gas company owning such meter so as to bring it as close as practicable to accuracy within the limits herein specified before again being placed in service.
(Prior code § 187-13)
Every meter which is to be used by any person for the measurement of gas furnished or supplied to any consumer in the city may be inspected and tested by or under supervision of the inspector of weights and measures in the same manner as is provided for the testing of meters upon complaint of a consumer, and if the meter is found to be as close to accuracy as it is practicable to determine the accuracy thereof and within the limits of one-half of one percent of absolute accuracy, the inspector of weights and measures shall seal the meter with some suitable seal or stamp indicating that said meter has been inspected and tested under his supervision and found to be registered accurately, and said seal shall specify the date upon which said inspection and test were made.
(Prior code § 187-14)
It shall be the duty of the inspector of weights and measures to examine and test any gas meter furnished to any consumer of gas by any gas company furnishing gas for heating, power or illuminating purposes in this city whenever requested to do so by such consumer. Said inspection upon the request of a consumer shall be made whenever any consumer of gas furnished by a gas company in the city shall make a request to have any meter so furnished and installed on the premises of such consumer inspected for the purpose of ascertaining whether such meter registers correctly, and shall pay the fee hereinafter fixed.
Before making any such test the inspector of weights and measures shall give notice to the person making application for such test, and also to the gas company whose meter is about to be tested, of the time and place where he intends to test such meter. Notice to the company shall be given in writing, sent by mail, to such gas company, at its principal office in the city, and notice shall be sent to such applicant in writing, by mail, addressed to the premises described in the application for such test. Such notice shall be mailed at least 24 hours before the time set for the test of such meter.
The test of such meter shall be made by the inspector of weights and measures, or his duly authorized agent, at such place as he may designate in such notice or notices, and shall be made in such manner as to test thoroughly such meter with a view to ascertaining whether it registers accurately.
(Prior code § 187-15)