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11-12-190  Authorization of extensions.
   It shall be the duty of the commissioner, whenever he shall deem necessary or advisable to lay or extend any water mains in the city, and before he shall cause the same to be laid or extended, to report to the city council the proposed action and extent of the same, together with the size of pipe necessary or advisable to be laid, and the probable expense thereof. No water main shall be laid or extended by the commissioner unless upon an order of the city council directing the laying or extension of the same, fixing the location thereof, the size of pipe to be used, and the maximum cost of same; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to the laying or extension of water mains where provision shall have been made for paying for the same by special assessment, or where the cost of the same shall be paid by private individuals, as provided in Section 11-12-170, or to cases of upgrading, repairing or relaying mains already laid, where the same shall have burst or otherwise become in need of upgrade or repair.
(Prior code § 185-19; Amend Coun. J. 11-10-99, p. 14998, § 7.2; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-99, p. 17487, § 7.2; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 1.12; Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 1)