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Article I.  Service Regulations
11-12-010   Definitions.
11-12-015   Reserved.
11-12-020   Reserved.
11-12-030   Costs for installing or, disconnecting service.
11-12-040   Maintenance and repairs.
11-12-050   Permit to use water.
11-12-060   Private persons supplying water.
11-12-070   Using hydrants or other openings.
11-12-080   Injuring or obstructing hydrants.
11-12-085   Theft of hydrant or parts thereof.
11-12-090   Taking water directly from tunnels or conduits.
11-12-100   Fraudulent representation or waste.
11-12-110   Shutting off service supplying several places.
11-12-120   Severance and restoration of service.
11-12-125   Water supply shut off.
11-12-130   Use of water hose.
11-12-140   Public drinking fountains.
11-12-150   Reserved.
11-12-160   Obstructing access to water equipment.
Article II.  Water Main Extensions
11-12-170   Advancement of costs.
11-12-180   Street improvements.
11-12-190   Authorization of extensions.
11-12-200   Special assessment refunds.
Article III.  Water Meters
11-12-210   Installation.
11-12-220   Metered and unmetered service for same premises.
11-12-230   Design, type and size of meters and other appurtenances and maintenance.
11-12-240   Private fire protection systems.
11-12-250   Interference with meters or other devices.
Article IV.  Water Charges
11-12-260   Annual statement – Rate establishment.
11-12-270   Nonmetered service.
11-12-280   Additional charges.
11-12-290   Temporary use of water from a hydrant.
11-12-300   Reserved.
11-12-310   Metered service.
11-12-315   Inflation adjustment for water rates
11-12-320   Faulty meters.
Article V.  Assessing and Collecting Charges
11-12-330   Liability for charges.
11-12-340   Reserved.
11-12-350   Reserved.
11-12-360   Metered rowhouses and townhouses – Individual meters.
11-12-370   Reserved.
11-12-380   Townhouses and similar structures – Right of entry – Owner responsibilities.
11-12-390   Townhouses and similar structures – Shared repair expenses.
11-12-400   Determination of charges.
11-12-410   False returns.
11-12-420   Payment of charges.
11-12-430   Cancelling charges for transitory or portable devices.
11-12-440   Reserved.
11-12-450   Reserved.
11-12-460   Leakage.
11-12-470   Reserved.
11-12-480   Delinquent payments.
11-12-485   Unauthorized reconnection of cut off water supply.
11-12-486   Report on water shutoffs.
11-12-490   Enforcement of lien.
11-12-500   Foreclosure suit.
11-12-510   Cumulative remedies.
11-12-520   Release of lien.
11-12-530   Certification of payment.
11-12-531   Certificate of payment – Condominiums and townhomes.
11-12-540   Exemptions from charges.
Article VI.  Use of Space in Water Pipe Tunnels
11-12-550   Permit required.
11-12-560   Application.
11-12-570   Plans submitted.
11-12-580   Bond.
11-12-590   Permit fees.
11-12-600   Revocation.
11-12-610   Violation – Penalty.
Article VII.  Enforcement of Chapter Provisions
11-12-620   Administrative powers and duties.
11-12-630   Violation – Penalty.
Article VIII.  Service to Premises Without the City
11-12-640   Out-of-city service.
11-12-650   Application.
11-12-660   Permit.
11-12-670   Water meters.
11-12-680   Reserved.
11-12-690   Reserved.
11-12-700   Deposit.
11-12-710   Termination.
11-12-010  Definitions.
   For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   “Commissioner” means the city's commissioner of water management.
   “Department” means the city's department of water management.
   “Family” means any number of persons not to exceed 12, including children and employees.
   “Full payment certificate” means a certificate issued by the comptroller indicating that all water and sewer charges and penalties that accrued to a water account are paid in full or otherwise not transferable to the subsequent owner.
   “Owner” means: (1) the legal title holder or holders to any premises, or dwelling units, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; (2) the beneficial owner or owners of an Illinois Land Trust if legal title is held by such a trust; (3) the purchaser under a real estate installment sales contract; (4) any person serving as executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian of an estate if legal title is held by the estate; or (5) any person, including the agent of the legal title holder, who is authorized or entitled to control, manage or dispose of any premises, dwelling or dwelling unit.
   “Premises” means a lot or a part of a lot, a building or a part of a building, or any other parcel or tract of land.
   "Unified statement of charges" means the statement sent to the billed party showing amounts due for refuse collection, water and sewer charges assessed or charged under: (i) Chapter 11-12 for water taxes, rates or rents, or charges for installation or disconnection of water service; (ii) Chapter 3-12 for sewer service and sewerage usage; and (iii) Article II of Chapter 7-28 for refuse collection.
(Prior code § 185-1; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. XII, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 12062, Art. IX, § 3)



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11-12-015  Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. XII, § 4, repealed § 11-12-150, which pertained to definitions of commissioner and department.