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The cost of installing, severing, disconnecting, cutting off or shutting off water service pipes, private supply pipes, shutoff rod boxes, including roundway stopcocks, shall be borne by the person for whose premises such water pipe is to be or has been installed, severed, disconnected, cut off or shut off.
(Prior code § 185-3)
Every person having service from the Chicago Waterworks System shall, at his own cost and expense, keep in repair all pipes, including private supply pipes or fire hydrants, leading from the shutoff rod box to his building or premises, and prevent all waste of water from such pipes. If any such pipe be permitted to remain out of repair, the commissioner may, after a two-day prior notice in writing, cut off the water from said premises; and whenever the water is so cut off it shall not be permitted to be again turned on until such pipe or pipes have been placed in proper repair. The notice herein provided for may be served by personal service, or by mailing it to the owner or occupant, or person in possession, charge or control of the premises.
(Prior code § 185-4; Amend Coun. J. 3-28-01, p. 55444, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 1.12)
No person to whom permission is granted to make a connection with a service or supply pipe shall allow any person to take service from the new service or supply pipe unless a permit for such use has been granted by the department of water management, and in the absence of such permission the new service or supply pipe shall be turned off at the curb stopcock, and such stopcock shall not again be turned on until proper permit shall be in the possession of the person about to perform such turning on.
The fees imposed by this chapter shall not apply to permits issued to the Department of Fleet and Facility Management or its contractors, for work undertaken for public or governmental use.
(Prior code § 185-5; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-07, p. 97533, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. III, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 203)
No person, whether owner or occupant, or in possession, charge or control of any building, structure or premises into which water service is introduced or to which water is supplied through the Chicago Waterworks System, shall be allowed to supply other persons or families, or to supply any water from such building or premises to a building, structure or premises other than the one for which such water service is introduced, unless a permit from the commissioner shall first have been secured.
If any person, either as owner or occupant, or in possession, charge or control of any such building, structure or premises, violates any of the provisions of this section, the supply of water to the building, structure or premises of such person shall be shut off and stopped forthwith, and any amount which shall have been paid for water service shall be forfeited to the city. Where the water service shall be cut off for a violation of the provisions of this section, it shall not be turned on again until there shall have been paid to the city such sum of money as the commissioner shall deem properly due for the amount of water furnished or used in violation of the provisions of this section, and until the expense for cutting off the water service on account of such violation shall have been paid.
(Prior code § 185-6; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 1.12)
No person shall take water from any fire plug, hydrant, valve, faucet, pipe or any other opening connected with the Chicago Waterworks System, nor shall any person open any such fire plug, hydrant, valve or faucet for the purpose of taking water, or for any purpose, unless such person shall first have made application for use of water for such purpose and have received permission from the commissioner, or unless such person is an employee of the City of Chicago, and is acting in the discharge of his duties as such. No person shall possess a hydrant key used to open any such fire plug or hydrant without the permission of the commissioner, or the permission of the Fire Commissioner.
No person to whom a permit is issued for the use of water for any purpose whatsoever, including construction purposes, tamping, irrigating, testing, flushing, domestic supply, etc., shall use or consent to the use of any water not authorized by said permit, or consent to the use of such water by any other person. Any person to whom such permit is issued shall at all times use precaution to prevent any waste of water or damage, and upon completion of the work for which such use of water is authorized, or upon the expiration of the time specified in such permit, he shall be required to close off all stopcocks and valves; provided, however, that if a permit has been issued for service from water service pipes controlled by such valves they may be allowed to remain open.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall, for the first offense, be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 20 days or both; and for such subsequent offense shall be fined $1,500 or imprisoned for not to exceed 30 days or both. Community service may be imposed in lieu of, or in addition to, the monetary fines and imprisonment provided by this section.
(Prior code § 185-7; Amend Coun. J. 5-25-88, p. 14025; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 1.12; Amend Coun. J. 7-19-07, p. 4736, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-5-07, p. 6882, § 1)