General Provisions
34.01 Fiscal year
34.02 Payment of certain bills authorized
34.03 Depository for village funds
34.04 Payment of revenue bonds
34.05 Participation in Police Protection Fund and Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
34.06 Fee for returned checks
34.07 Village reimbursement agreement for professional fees
34.08 Investment policy
Annual Budget Process
34.20 Budget process adopted
34.21 Budget Officer; powers and duties
34.22 Preparation of budget
34.23 Separate fund
34.24 Revision of budget
34.25 Money set aside for contingency purposes
34.26 Inspection of tentative annual budget
34.27 Time of adoption
Authorized Depositories
34.40 Policy
34.41 Designated depositories
34.42 Qualified depositories
34.99 Penalty