229.01 Purpose
229.02 Area governed
229.03 Existing lake classifications
229.04 Policies underlying lakeshore regulations
229.05 Lakeshore management districts
229.06 Minimum lot size
229.07 Shoreland uses
229.08 Residential lot provisions
229.09 Placement and height of structures and facilities on lots
229.10 Shoreland and vegetation alterations
229.11 Placement and design of roads, driveways, and parking areas
229.12 Agricultural use standards
229.13 Forest management standards
229.14 Extractive use standards
229.15 Standards for commercial, industrial, public, and semi-public uses
229.16 Stormwater management
229.17 Mining of metallic minerals and peat
229.18 Sanitary provisions
229.19 Subdivision regulations
229.20 Planned unit development
229.21 Administration