Any extractive use within a shoreland area shall require an interim use permit, which shall address and regulate, at minimum, the following conditions:
(A) No processing machinery shall be located within the setback standards for structures from the ordinary high water mark or upon a bluff, or within a bluff impact zone.
(B) The approval of a development, restoration end use plan, including original and end use topographic maps, addressing dust, noise, any pollutant discharges, hours and duration of operation, vegetation and topographic alterations, the mitigation of adverse environmental impacts, erosion, and the use, impact upon, and maintenance and/or improvements of local roads. The end use map shall show the final contours of the area, the replacement of topsoil and vegetation.
(C) The city may require such security, in such form, as it deems appropriate to assure compliance with the conditions of the interim use permit and compliance with the end use plan.
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)