§ 30.05 RESIDENCY.
   (A)   A member of the Town Council who is elected by the voters of a district forfeits his office if he ceases to be a resident of the district.
   (B)   An at large member of the Town Council forfeits his office if he ceases to be a resident of the town.
(IC 36-5-2-6)
   One member of the Town Council shall be elected president by majority vote at the beginning of the first Council meeting of each and every year. A Council member may serve multiple terms as president and the terms may be consecutive.
(‘82 Code, § 2-203)
   One member of the Town Council shall be elected Vice-President by majority vote at the beginning of the first Town Council meeting of each and every year, provided, however, that one member of the Town Council may be elected Vice-President of the Town Council for the remainder of the calendar year in which this section is adopted upon election by a majority vote of the Town Council. Upon election, the Vice-President shall serve in such position for the calendar year of election. A Council member may serve multiple terms as Vice-President, and the terms may be consecutive.
(Ord. 506, passed 3-25-90)
§ 30.07 CLERK.
   (A)   The Town Clerk-Treasurer is the clerk of the Town Council.
   (B)   The Clerk-Treasurer is an ex officio member for the purpose of casting the deciding vote to break a tie.
(IC 36-5-2-8)
   The Town Council may:
   (A)   Adopt ordinances and resolutions for the performance of functions of the town;
   (B)   Purchase, hold, and convey any interest in property, for the use of the town; and
   (C)   Adopt and use a common seal.
(IC 36-5-2-9)
§ 30.09 VACANCIES.
   If a vacancy occurs in an elective office of the town, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner set forth in IC 3-13-9-1 et seq., as the same as now exists or as it may be amended hereafter from time to time.
(‘82 Code, § 2-202)
   The salaries of the members of the Town Council shall be set by ordinance, from time to time, to be paid in equal monthly installments.
(‘82 Code, § 2-303)