   The salaries of the members of the Town Council shall be set by ordinance, from time to time, to be paid in equal monthly installments.
(‘82 Code, § 2-303)
   (A)   There is created the position of Administrative Assistant to the Town Council.
   (B)   The duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Assistant to the Town Council shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following, namely:
      (1)   All administrative duties of the business of the town government, as directed by the Town Council;
      (2)   Act as the designated Town Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator, and be responsible to monitor and oversee all town activities for compliance with ADA requirements, establishment of policy, and oversight of ADA policy enforcement;
      (3)   Act as the Town Council liaison to the residents of the town as well as the business community of the town in all respects;
      (4)   Act to coordinate the activities of town government, as directed by the Council, with all entities or persons affected by or reliant upon all aspects of town government;
      (5)   Act as liaison between Council members, as well as the primary contact person for town business involving the Town Attorney, engineers, developers, business interests, insurance providers, and all other governmental and private sector interests and representatives; further, to coordinate activities between all interested groups or entities in order to enhance the economic growth and development of the town;
      (6)   Review, research, and analyze the financial conditions and requirements of the town, including, but not limited to research and review of available grant monies, and undertake all analysis, review, and procedures necessary to apply for available grants and monies;
      (7)   Establish and maintain records and files in a systemic manner for all ongoing projects, developments, and activities of the town government; further, to provide regular, periodic status reports for all such ongoing projects, developments, and active grant applications;
      (8)   Review, research, and establish a citizen complaint system, including, but not limited to, the creation of the system, establishment of monitoring procedures, as well as preparing and providing ongoing reports concerning the same to and between department heads and the Town Council;
      (9)   Oversee and monitor the activities of the Planning and Building Department, including, but not limited to, oversight and monitoring of permit procedures, application procedures to department and boards/commissions, as well as coordinate and cooperate with all necessary and required activities of the Town Building Administrator;
      (10)   Review and monitor town code provisions for compliance, recommended changes, and interdepartmental awareness;
      (11)   Coordinate and act as liaison in all communications and contract responsibilities between the town and all insurance providers; further, coordinate and act as liaison with the town insurance providers, including acting as liaison between town employees and the town insurance provider; further, to provide regular periodic reports concerning insurance matters to the Town Council;
      (12)   Coordinate all communications between the departments of the town and the Town Council, and provide a regular periodic reporting system for the same;
      (13)   Review, research, and prepare all such data, statistical and/or historical information reports to the Town Council, as directed;
      (14)   Oversee and supervise the clerical staff and employees of the Town Council, as well as in the Planning and Building Department and Unsafe Building Department;
      (15)   Provide fiscal analysis of the financial condition of the town, as well as preparation of recommendations and estimates for a budgetary expenditures to assist the Council in preparing the annual proposed budget for each fiscal year, as directed by the Council.
   (C)   The Administrative Assistant to the Town Council shall serve at the pleasure of the Council. This position shall be eliminated upon the hiring of a Town Manager by the Town Council.
(Ord. 389, passed 6-27-84; Am. Ord. 593, passed 10-5-93)
   (A)   The position of a board or commission member shall be forfeited upon the occurrence of the following:
      (1)   Unexcused absence from two consecutive, regularly scheduled work sessions or official meetings; or
      (2)   Unexcused absence during one calendar year, January 1 through December 31, of a total of four regularly scheduled work sessions or official meetings.
   (B)   Absences shall be excused upon written request of the board or commission for the following reasons:
      (1)   Personal or family illness;
      (2)   Duties of employment; or
      (3)   Death in the immediate family.
   (C)   Upon the occurrence of unexcused absences as set forth in divisions (A) and (B) above, the presiding officer of the respective board or commission shall file a written report of those absences with the Town Council. Upon receipt of that report, the Town Council shall set the matter for hearing at a regular meeting, give the board or commission member notice of same, and at that hearing it shall be determined whether the position should be vacated and a replacement member appointed for the remainder of the affected term.
(Ord. 453, passed 3-9-88)