   The minimum area of any new mobile home park shall be 15 acres, with the first phase of development being not less than five acres in size.
('82 Code, § 19-403) Penalty, see § 152.99
   All open and recreational space standards shall apply to any new park, or, in the case of an existing park being enlarged, or improved, to the area being enlarged, extended, or improved. Every park shall provide a recreational area or areas equal in size to at least one acre for every 40 mobile homes or fraction thereof.
   (A)   Streets, drives, parking areas, service facility areas, and open space on individual mobile home sites shall not be included as part of the required recreational areas.
   (B)   Common open space for the use of all tenants in cluster design parks may be counted.
('82 Code, § 19-404) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   All parks shall be served by a common water supply system. For purposes of this chapter, individual water wells are not acceptable. Water supply systems shall be submitted to, and approved by, the State Board of Health.
   (B)   All parks shall be served by a central or public sewerage system connected to a sewage treatment plant approved by the State Board of Health. For purposes of this chapter, individual septic tanks shall not be acceptable.
   (C)   Each park shall contain an underground electrical system, which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. The electrical distribution system shall be installed underground in a manner approved by the Power Company.
   (D)   Individual television antennas on mobile homes shall be prohibited. If necessary, each mobile home park shall contain a central television antenna with underground service to each mobile home stand.
   (E)   Each mobile home park shall be served by an approved central fuel system. Individual fuel storage tanks shall not be permitted.
   (F)   All parks shall be provided with storm water sewers or a surface drainage system in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate highway department and surveyor's office.
   (G)   (1) Garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of in a manner approved by the Health Department and in a manner designed not to create a nuisance or a menace to health.
      (2)   All refuse and garbage shall be collected at least twice weekly. Where suitable collection service is not available from municipal or private agencies, the park operator shall provide this service. Refuse incinerators, if permitted, shall be constructed in accordance with engineering plans and specifications which shall be reviewed and approved by the Health Department.
      (3)   Parks shall be maintained free of accumulations of debris which may provide rodent harborage or breeding places for flies, mosquitos, and other pests.
('82 Code, § 19-405) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   All streets or drives, whether public or private, shall be designed in substantial relation to:
      (1)   Topographic conditions and drainage;
      (2)   Public convenience and safety;
      (3)   The proposed uses of land to be served by such street or drive. A street or drive shall be provided for convenient access to each individual mobile home site within the park.
   (B)   All streets intended to be dedicated into the public highway system shall be:
      (1)   Designed and constructed in accordance with the rules and specifications of the appropriate highway department and the town subdivision regulations, as amended.
      (2)   Laid out in conformity to street or highway plans officially adopted by the town. Wherever a planned street or highway runs through a proposed mobile home park, it shall be provided for in the place and with the width indicated on the plan.
   (C)   All streets or drives intended to be private and for the exclusive use of tenants and guests of the park shall be constructed to meet the following minimum standards:
      (1)   All streets or drives within any mobile home park shall have an approved cross-section with a paved surface of 26 feet measured from back to back of the curbs. If parking is to be allowed on both sides of the street, it shall be at least 35 feet wide.
      (2)   All cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum radius of 60 feet to the outer edge of the pavement. The developer shall provide a landscaped island with a diameter not to exceed six feet.
      (3)   All private streets or drives shall be constructed in the manner prescribed in the edition of Standard Specifications of the State Highway Department in effect at the time of application, and any subsequent and applicable town ordinance. In any instance where conflicting requirements may appear between Standard Specifications and an applicable town ordinance, the town ordinance regulation shall rule.
      (4)   All streets or drives shall be provided with a smooth, graded, drained, sealed, and paved durable surface commencing from the public street to and throughout the park. All street or drive surfaces shall be maintained free of holes and other hazards.
      (5)   Concrete curb and gutter shall be provided along the outside edge of all street, drive, and parking area pavements. Concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk may be one and the same.
   (D)   Street names and addresses shall be assigned to all streets and mobile home stands appearing on the final plan according to and in compliance with the street naming procedure used by the Plan Commission.
('82 Code, § 19-450) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   All mobile homes, occupied or vacant, shall be set back at least 50 feet from any pubic right-of-way, or the distance required by the setback requirements of the zoning ordinance for the type of street on which it fronts or sides, whichever is the greater distance.
   (B)   No mobile home shall be located closer than 15 feet to any park vehicular drive or street, as measured to the nearest part of the mobile home or its hitch, unless otherwise specified in § 152.29.
('82 Code, § 19-451) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   In order to provide maximum flexibility in the planning and design of mobile home parks, performance standards rather than rigid lot specifications shall provide the basic framework of this section.
   (B)   Any mobile home park designed with performance standards must have the approval of the executive secretary of the Plan Commission prior to submission for final approval, provided however that in no case shall any mobile home park exceed a density of 7.5 units gross acre.
   (C)   In designing a mobile home park, the following minimum performance standards shall apply: Each mobile home site shall be provided with a clear, unobstructed access to drive, street, or other easement to permit the placement of a home on the site. The access shall be provided from within the park and shall not be from any exterior street or alleyway.
   (D)   Mobile home stands:
      (1)   All mobile home stands shall be constructed as a grade- beam floating slab as shown in Figure l, on file with the Building Department; as a series of double-row concrete piers as shown in Figure 2, on file with the Building Department; or as a solid concrete slab as shown in Figure 3, on file with the Building Department. Type of construction to be approved by the Building Department.
      (2)   The area of the mobile home stand shall be improved in accordance with the building code to provide adequate support for the placement and tie-down of the mobile home, thereby securing the superstructure against uplift, sliding, rotation, and overturning.
('82 Code, § 19-452) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   Paved off-street parking shall be provided in all mobile home parks for the use of occupants and guests. Parking spaces shall be at the ratio of at least two car spaces, not less than ten feet by 20 feet in size, for each mobile home site.
   (B)   No parking space, garage, or carport, shall be located closer than 25 feet to the front of any mobile home, unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission.
   (C)   No motor vehicle shall be permitted to be parked or stored within any required open space between mobile homes, except when an approved parking area is provided between two mobile homes oriented back to back with each other.
   (D)   Overnight parking on any drive or street within the park shall be prohibited.
   (E)   The park operator shall provide a separate area either fenced, screened, or otherwise enclosed, for the storage of tenant camping trailers, boats, snowmobiles, and other similar recreational equipment. Such items shall not be stored in other areas of the park.
('82 Code, § 19-453) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   Any projection from a mobile home shall not extend more than eight feet into any required yard or open space. No covered or enclosed structure shall exceed one-third the length of the mobile home.
   (B)   No building or mobile home in the mobile home park shall exceed one story in height unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission.
('82 Code, § 19-454) Penalty, see § 152.99