   (A)   All departments, officials, and public employees of the town or county which are vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses, shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and shall issue no permit or license for any use, building, or purpose if the same would be in conflict with the provisions of this chapter. Any permit or license, issued in conflict with the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void.
   (B)   The health officer or Plan Commission president, or their assigned agents, may make an inspection of all construction at any reasonable time to determine whether the work is being done in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. The park owner shall make available any records, test data, or other information essential to this determination.
   (C)   (1) The erection, construction, enlargement, conversion, or alteration of any building, mobile home, or structure and use of any land, building, or mobile home, which is continued, operated, or maintained, contrary to any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be a violation of this chapter and unlawful.
      (2)   The Plan Commission president or his assigned agent shall notify the violator immediately upon becoming aware of the violation. If the violation is not removed within a reasonable period of time, as determined by the Plan Commission or his assigned agent, the violation shall be submitted to the Town Attorney's staff for proper legal action.
      (3)   The Town Attorney's staff shall, immediately upon any such violation having been called to his attention, institute injunction, abatement, or any other appropriate action to prevent, enjoin, abate, or remove such violation. Any violation of this chapter shall be the joint responsibility of the park owner or his agent and the violator. It is the responsibility of the park owner or his agent to maintain compliance with the regulations of this chapter within his park.
      (4)   The remedy provided for herein shall be cumulative and not exclusive and shall be in addition to any other remedies provided by law.
('82 Code, § 19-800)
   In designing a mobile home park, the petitioner shall conform to:
   (A)   All applicable ordinances of the town;
   (B)   Applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the state and duly constituted agencies thereof;
   (C)   All requirements contained within this chapter.
('82 Code, § 19-400)
   Any parcel of land proposed for use as mobile home park shall meet the following minimum location factors:
   (A)   All parks shall be provided with at least two points of direct vehicular access to a major thoroughfare, as delineated in the Town Master Plan.
      (1)   No entrance or exit for a park shall open upon a residential subdivision street.
      (2)   No entrance or exit for a park shall be located closer than 125 feet from the intersection of the proposed or existing right- of-way lines of any two streets.
      (3)   The minimum distance between the centerline of any two park entrances or exits shall be 125 feet.
   (B)   No mobile home shall have direct vehicular access to any public street or drive. All access shall be from an improved street or drive within the park.
('82 Code, § 19-401) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   In order to minimize the potential impact of mobile home development on adjacent undeveloped or residential property, the developer of the park shall provide a buffer strip in accordance with the following schedule:
      (1)   All park boundaries not contiguous to a public right-of- way shall provide a buffer strip not less than 20 feet in width.
      (2)   All park boundaries contiguous to adjoining property fronting on the same public right-of-way shall provide a buffer strip not less than 20 feet in width plus an open space, equal in width and depth to the minimum lot design requirements of the zoning district of the adjoining parcel at the time of application. With the exception of the required 20-foot buffer, the additional open space required may be developed, deeded off, or transferred for development in accordance with the regulations of the zoning district in which it lies, but not for mobile homes.
   (B)   The buffer strip shall include a chain link, split rail, wood, or other decorative fence approved by the Plan Commission. The fence shall not be less than four feet in height or greater than six feet in height, and shall be effectively landscaped.
   (C)   When all or part of the proposed mobile home park is adjacent to land zoned for business or industry or when the mobile home park is adjacent to a major thoroughfare as shown on the Master Plan, or a railroad, or natural condition which creates a physical barrier, a dense screen planting of shrubs and trees which will provide an effective visual barrier when viewed at right angles shall be required. Such barrier shall achieve, at maturity, a height of not less than six feet.
   (D)   The Plan Commission may require that plans for proposed buffer strips be submitted to the County Cooperative Extension Service Landscape Architect or other qualified experts for review and recommendation to the Plan Commission.
('82 Code, § 19-402) Penalty, see § 152.99
   The minimum area of any new mobile home park shall be 15 acres, with the first phase of development being not less than five acres in size.
('82 Code, § 19-403) Penalty, see § 152.99
   All open and recreational space standards shall apply to any new park, or, in the case of an existing park being enlarged, or improved, to the area being enlarged, extended, or improved. Every park shall provide a recreational area or areas equal in size to at least one acre for every 40 mobile homes or fraction thereof.
   (A)   Streets, drives, parking areas, service facility areas, and open space on individual mobile home sites shall not be included as part of the required recreational areas.
   (B)   Common open space for the use of all tenants in cluster design parks may be counted.
('82 Code, § 19-404) Penalty, see § 152.99