(A) For the services rendered by the Department of Stormwater Management, interim rates, charges and fees shall be collected from the owners of each and every lot or parcel of real estate with buildings or other structures located thereon, that are within the Town of Cedar Lake Jurisdictional Corporate Municipal limits, which interim rates, charges and fees shall be payable as hereinafter provided and shall be an amount determinable as follows:
(1) If the lot or parcel of real estate above is a customer of the Town Sanitary Sewer Utility, the interim Stormwater Management rate shall be 10% of the monthly Sanitary Sewer Utility user charge.
(2) If the lot or parcel of real estate above is not a customer of the Town Sanitary Sewer Utility, the interim Stormwater Management rate shall be as follows:
User Classifications
| Monthly Stormwater Rate
User Classifications
| Monthly Stormwater Rate
Residences, apartments and other dwelling quarters, mobile home courts
| $3.00 per dwelling unit
Professional offices, governmental offices, banks, utilities
| 3.20 for the first 2 employees & $1 for each employee over 2
Nursing home
| 1 per patient bed available for occupancy
Churches & other religious bodies. Also lodges & veterans organizations without eating and/or drinking facilities.
| 3.20 per establishment
Shop in residence
| 6.30 per residence & shop
Motels, rooming houses, church camps & similar establishments
| 1.00 per room available for and not less than $.34 per bed
Retail establishments under 50,000 square feet total space, drive-in establishments, restaurants and organizations with eating and/or drinking facilities and gasoline service stations
| 3.20 for the first 2
Retail establishments in excess of 50,000 square feet total space, and all theaters, bowling centers, industrial uses, schools, bulk washeterias, car wash facilities, hospitals, hotels, monasteries, religious retreats, taverns, golf courses and resorts
| 3.20 for the first 2 employees and $1 for each additional employee and a total of not less than $12
(C) The minimum monthly charge for any service shall in no event be less than $3 or 50% of the largest billing in the preceding 11 months, whichever is the largest, and such rates shall be charge each month, even though the property is not used or occupied year round.
(D) The interim rates, charges and fees established by this section, as emended from time to time, shall be billed and collected by the town monthly. The billing shall be issued by the town on or about the first day of each month. The interim rates, charges and fees billed shall be paid by no later than the 20th day of each month. In the event the billing is not paid on or before the 20th day of each month, then a 30% penalty shall be imposed. For purposes of computing time, and particularly for the assessment of the 30% penalty, the 20th day of each month is the last day on which payment of billing without imposition of the 30% penalty may be made. After the 20th day of each month, except as provided hereafter, the 30% penalty to the billing shall be assessed and collected. In the event that the 20th day of the month is a Saturday, a Sunday, a legal holiday as defined in the Town Code, or a day in which the business office of the sewer utility is closed, the next day shall be the last day on which payment of the monthly billing may be made, and the day after such day is the time when imposition of the 30% penalty shall be imposed.
(Ord. 646, passed 3-21-95; Am. Ord. 653, passed 8-15-95; Am. Ord. 672A, passed 5-28-97)
(A) The Council establishes the Department of Redevelopment. The Department will be controlled by a board of five members, to be known as the Cedar Lake Redevelopment Commission. Three of the members shall be appointed by the Municipal Executive, the President of the Council, and two members shall be appointed by the council.
(B) The original members of the Commission appointed shall serve until the first day of January in the second year of their appointment; thereafter, each Commissioner shall serve for one year from the first day of January until a successor is appointed and qualified.
(C) In the event that a vacancy occurs, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as the original member, and the successor shall serve for the remainder of the vacated term.
(D) Each member of the Commission, before beginning his duties, shall take and subscribe an oath of office in the usual form, to be endorsed on the certificate of their appointment, which shall be properly filed with the Clerk-Treasurer.
(E) Each member of the Commission, before beginning his duties, shall execute a bond payable to the state, with surety to be approved by the council. The bond must be in the penal sum of at least $15,000, and must be conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties of his office in the accounting for all monies and property that may come into his hands, or under his control. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the Special Taxing District.
(F) A member of the commission must be at least 18 years of age, and must be a resident of the town.
(G) In the event that a Commissioner ceases to be qualified hereunder, that member forfeits his office.
(H) Except as provided in sub-section (I), members of the Commission are not entitled to salaries, but are entitled to reimbursement for expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties.
(I) A member of the Commission who does not otherwise hold a lucrative office as defined and set forth by Article 2, Section 9, of the Indiana Constitution may receive:
(1) A salary; or
(2) A per diem;
(3) And is entitled to reimbursement for expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of the Commissioners duties.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98; Am. Ord. 984, passed 1-2-07)
(A) The Commission shall hold a meeting for the purpose of organization not later than 30 days after they are appointed and, after that, each year on the first day in January that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday. They shall choose one of their members as President, another as Vice-President and another as Secretary. These officers shall perform the duties usually pertaining to their offices and shall serve from the date of their election until their successors are elected and qualified.
(B) The Commission may appoint a Treasurer who need not be a Member of the Commission. The Commission may provide for the payment of compensation to a Treasurer who is not a Member of the Commission. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Subchapter, the Treasurer has charge over and is responsible for the administration, investment and disbursement of funds and accounts of the Commission in accordance with the requirements of this Subchapter. However, the Treasurer may not perform any duties of the physical officer or any other officer of the Town that are set forth and prescribed by IC 36-7-14-24, or by any provisions of IC 36-7-14, et. seq., that pertain to the issuance and sale of bonds, notes, or warrants of the Special Taxing District.
(C) The Commission may adopt the rules and by-laws they consider necessary for the proper conduct of their proceedings, the carrying out of their duties, and the safeguarding of the money and property placed in their custody by applicable provision of IC 36-7-14, et. seq. In addition to the annual meeting, the Commission members may, by Resolution or in accordance with their rules and by-laws, prescribe the date and manner of notice of other regular or special meetings.
(D) Three members of the Commission, constitute a quorum, and the concurrence of three Commissioners is necessary to authorize any action.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)
(A) A Member of the Commission shall not have a pecuniary interest in any contract, employment, purchase, or sale made under the provisions of IC 36-7-14, et. seq. However, any property required for redevelopment purposes in which a Commission member has a pecuniary interest may be acquired, but only by gift or condemnation.
(B) All transactions made in violation of this section are void.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)
(A) The Commission shall:
(1) Investigate, study, and survey blighted areas within the corporate boundaries of the town;
(2) Investigate, study, determine, and, to the extent possible, combat the causes of blighted areas;
(3) Promote the use of land in the manner that best serves the interests of the town and its residents;
(4) Cooperate with the departments and agencies of the town, and of other governmental entities, in the manner that best serves the purposes of IC 36-7-14, et. seq.;
(5) Make findings and reports on their activities hereunder, and keep those reports open to inspection by the public at the offices of the department;
(6) Select and acquire the blighted areas to be redeveloped under IC 36-7-14 et. seq.; and
(7) Re-plan and dispose of the blighted areas in the manner that best serves the social and economic interests of the town, and its residents.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)