   (A)   The Commission shall hold a meeting for the purpose of organization not later than 30 days after they are appointed and, after that, each year on the first day in January that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday. They shall choose one of their members as President, another as Vice-President and another as Secretary. These officers shall perform the duties usually pertaining to their offices and shall serve from the date of their election until their successors are elected and qualified.
   (B)   The Commission may appoint a Treasurer who need not be a Member of the Commission. The Commission may provide for the payment of compensation to a Treasurer who is not a Member of the Commission. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Subchapter, the Treasurer has charge over and is responsible for the administration, investment and disbursement of funds and accounts of the Commission in accordance with the requirements of this Subchapter. However, the Treasurer may not perform any duties of the physical officer or any other officer of the Town that are set forth and prescribed by IC 36-7-14-24, or by any provisions of IC 36-7-14, et. seq., that pertain to the issuance and sale of bonds, notes, or warrants of the Special Taxing District.       
   (C)   The Commission may adopt the rules and by-laws they consider necessary for the proper conduct of their proceedings, the carrying out of their duties, and the safeguarding of the money and property placed in their custody by applicable provision of IC 36-7-14, et. seq. In addition to the annual meeting, the Commission members may, by Resolution or in accordance with their rules and by-laws, prescribe the date and manner of notice of other regular or special meetings.
   (D)   Three members of the Commission, constitute a quorum, and the concurrence of three Commissioners is necessary to authorize any action.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)
   The Council may remove a Member of the Commission from office at any time for any cause deemed sufficient by the Council.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)
   (A)   A Member of the Commission shall not have a pecuniary interest in any contract, employment, purchase, or sale made under the provisions of IC 36-7-14, et. seq. However, any property required for redevelopment purposes in which a Commission member has a pecuniary interest may be acquired, but only by gift or condemnation.
   (B)   All transactions made in violation of this section are void.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)
§ 34.144 Duties.
   (A)   The Commission shall:
      (1)   Investigate, study, and survey blighted areas within the corporate boundaries of the town;
      (2)   Investigate, study, determine, and, to the extent possible, combat the causes of blighted areas;
      (3)   Promote the use of land in the manner that best serves the interests of the town and its residents;
      (4)   Cooperate with the departments and agencies of the town, and of other governmental entities, in the manner that best serves the purposes of IC 36-7-14, et. seq.;
      (5)   Make findings and reports on their activities hereunder, and keep those reports open to inspection by the public at the offices of the department;
      (6)   Select and acquire the blighted areas to be redeveloped under IC 36-7-14 et. seq.; and
      (7)   Re-plan and dispose of the blighted areas in the manner that best serves the social and economic interests of the town, and its residents.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)
§ 34.145 POWERS.
   (A)   The Commission may:
      (1)   Acquire by purchase, exchange, gift, grant, lease or, condemnation, or any combination of methods, any personal property or interest in real property needed for the redevelopment of blighted areas located within the municipal corporate boundaries of the Town;
      (2)   Hold, use, sell(by conveyance by deed, land sale contract, or other instrument), exchange, lease, rent, or otherwise dispose of property acquired for use in the redevelopment of blighted areas on the terms and conditions that the Commission considers best for the town, and its residents;
      (3)   Sell, lease, or grant interests in all or part of the real property acquired for redevelopment purposes to any other department of the town, or to any other governmental agency, for public ways, levees, sewerage, parks, playgrounds, schools, and other public purposes on any terms that may be agreed on;
      (4)   Clear real property acquired for redevelopment purposes;
      (5)   Repair and maintain structures acquired for redevelopment purposes;
      (6)   Remodel, rebuild, enlarge, or make major structural improvements on structures acquired for redevelopment purposes;
      (7)   Survey or examine any land to determine whether it should be included within a blighted area to be acquired for redevelopment purposes and to determine the value of that land;
      (8)   Appear before any other department or agency of the Town of Cedar Lake, or before any other governmental agency, in respect to any matter affecting:
         (a)   Real property acquired or being acquired for redevelopment purposes; or
         (b)   Any blighted area within the jurisdiction of the Commission.
      (9)   Institute or defend in the name of the town any civil action;
      (10)   Use any legal, or equitable remedy that is necessary or considered proper to protect and enforce the rights of and perform the duties of the Commission;
      (11)   Exercise the power of eminent domain in the name of and within the municipal corporate boundaries of the town in the manner prescribed by IC 36-7-14-20, and related statutory provisions, as amended from time to time;
      (12)   Appoint an Executive Director, Appraisers, Real Estate Experts, Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and Attorneys;
      (13)   Appoint clerks, guards, laborers, and other employees the Commission considers advisable, except that those appointments must be made in accordance with the merit system of the town if such a system exists;
      (14)   Prescribe the duties and regulate the compensation of employees of the Department of Redevelopment;
      (15)   Provide a pension and retirement system for employees of the Department of Redevelopment by using the Indiana Public Employees’ Retirement Fund, or a retirement plan approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development;
      (16)   Discharge and appoint successors to employees of the Department of Redevelopment, subject to subsection (13) herein;
      (17)   Rent offices for use of the Department of Redevelopment, or accept the use of offices furnished by the town;
      (18)   Equip the offices of the Department of Redevelopment with the necessary furniture, furnishings, equipment, records, and supplies;
      (19)   Expend, on behalf of the Special Taxing District, all or any part of the money of the Special Taxing District;
      (20) Contract for the construction of:
         (a)   Local public improvements (as defined in IC 36-7-14.5-6) or structures that are necessary for redevelopment of blighted areas or economic development within the municipal corporate boundaries of the Town of Cedar lake; or
         (b)   Any structure that enhances development or economic development;
      (21)   Contract for the construction, extension, or improvement of pedestrian skyways;
      (22)   Accept loans, grants, and other forms of financial assistance from the Federal Government, the State Government, a Municipal Corporation, a Special Taxing District, a Foundation, or any other source;
      (23)   Provide financial assistance (including grants and loans) to enable individuals and families to purchase or lease residential units within the District; however, financial assistance may be provided only to individuals and families whose income is at or below the Town of Cedar Lake’s median income for individuals and families, respectively;
      (24)   Provide financial assistance (including grants and loans) to neighborhood development corporations to permit them to:
         (a)   Provide financial assistance for the purposes described in subsection 23 herein; or
         (b)   Construct, rehabilitate, or repair commercial property within the district; and
      (25)   Require as a condition of financial assistance to the owner of a multiple unit residential structure that any of the units leased by the owner must be leased:
         (a)   For a period to be determined by the Redevelopment Commission, which may not be less than Five years;
         (b)   To families whose income does not exceed 80% of the town’s median income for families; and
         (c)   At an affordable rate.
   (B)   Conditions imposed by the Commission under subsection (25) herein remain in force throughout the period determined under subsection (25)(a), even if the owner sells, leases, or conveys the property. The subsequent owner or lessee is bound by the conditions for the remainder of the period.
   (C)   As used in this section, “pedestrian skyway” means a pedestrian walkway within or outside of the public right-of-way and through and above public or private property and buildings, including all structural supports required to connect skyways to buildings or buildings under construction. Pedestrian skyways constructed, extended, or improved over or through public or private property constitute public property and public improvements, constitute a public use and purpose, and do not require vacation of any public way or other property.
   (D)   All powers that may be exercised under IC 36-7-14, by the Commission may also be exercised by the Commission carrying out its duties and purposes under IC 36-7-44.5.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)