(A)   The applicant shall submit a soil erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with plan requirements stated in COMAR 26.17.01 and in compliance with § 152.050 and any supporting computations to the District for review and approval. The soil erosion and sediment control plan shall contain sufficient information to describe how soil erosion and off site sedimentation will be minimized. The District shall review the plan to determine compliance with this chapter, the Standards and Specifications, and any other applicable state laws and regulations prior to approval. The plan shall serve as a basis for all subsequent construction.
   (B)   The plan must include the “Standard Stabilization Note” on the plan stating:
    “Following initial soil disturbance or redisturbance, permanent or temporary stabilization must be completed within:
      (1)   Three calendar days as to the surface of all perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes, and all slopes steeper than three horizontal to one vertical (3:1); and
      (2)   Seven calendar days as to all other disturbed or graded areas on the project site not under active grading.”
   (C)   Certification by the owner/developer that any clearing, grading, construction, or development will be done pursuant to the approved erosion and sediment control plan.
   (D)   In approving the plan, the District may impose such conditions as may be deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter, COMAR 26.17.01, the Standards and Specifications, and to preserve public health and safety.
   (E)   The District shall notify the applicant of approval or reasons for the disapproval or modification after submission of the completed soil erosion and sediment control plan. The soil erosion and sediment control plan may not be considered approved without the inclusion of the signature and date of signature approval by the District on the plan.
   (F)   Approved plans shall become void three years from the date of approval. The District may extend the approval beyond three years at the request of the applicant. Such approval may be subject to division (G) below.
   (G)   Grandfathering conditions consistent with Maryland Department of the Environment regulations include the following:
      (1)   After January 9, 2013, the District will only approve new plans adhering to the Standards and Specifications.
      (2)   After January 9, 2013, all plans must adhere to the stabilization practices found in the Standards and Specifications regardless of when the sediment and erosion control plan was approved. Plan revisions for this specific requirement will not be necessary. However, when a plan revision is submitted to the District for any other purpose, the plan must also incorporate the updated stabilization requirements.
      (3)   Revisions to previously approved grading and sediment control plans and plan requests for time extension approvals that are submitted after January 9, 2013, must address the Standards and Specifications.
      (4)   After January 9, 2015, if the grading activities for an approved sediment and erosion control plan have not started, said plans must be revised to meet the Standards and Specifications in order for the District approval to remain valid. All other conditions noted above still apply.
(2004 Code, § 121-16) (Ord. 2012-09, passed 12-11-2012; Ord. 2018-10, passed 11-29-2018)