(A) The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that proposed or planned residential growth proceeds at a rate that will not unduly strain public facilities, including schools, roads, water and sewer facilities, and police, fire, and emergency medical services.
(B) This chapter establishes minimum adequacy standards or thresholds for these facilities and services and mandates that the cumulative impacts of proposed or planned residential growth, within the incorporated municipalities and the county, be considered in testing for adequacy under these standards.
(C) This chapter does not abrogate or supersede any other applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, or policies.
(2004 Code, § 71-1) (Ord. 161, passed 3-5-1998; Ord. 02-12, passed 8-13-2002; Ord. 04-13, passed 4-20-2004)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Any term not defined in this chapter shall have the meaning as defined in any chapter of the County Code. Any term not defined in the County Code in any chapter shall have its generally accepted meaning.
ADEQUACY APPROVAL. The process by which the adequacy of public facilities and services is determined.
AVAILABLE THRESHOLD CAPACITY (ATC). The amount of capacity available for future development under this chapter determined by balancing the county’s ability to pay for infrastructure, schools, and police, fire, and emergency medical services with building permit reservations and phasing of projects. Capacity of a facility is determined by the county or the incorporated municipality, if applicable.
BUILDING PERMIT. As used in this chapter, the term BUILDING PERMIT includes only projects that create one or more new residential dwelling units or equivalent dwelling units.
BUILDING PERMIT CAP. The number of residential building permits to be issued during a fiscal year in a specific area of the county or county-wide, as authorized by this chapter.
BUILDING PERMIT RESERVATION. The ability to apply for a building permit, as authorized by this chapter.
COMMUNITY INVESTMENT PLAN (CIP). The six-year plan adopted annually by the County Commissioners to provide, expand, and renovate public facilities.
DEPARTMENT. The Department of Land Use, Planning, and Development, or any successor agency designated by the County Commissioners.
DEVELOPER. An individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or unincorporated association that undertakes or participates in the activities covered by this chapter.
DEVELOPMENT PIPELINE. Unrecorded residential development projects for which the county has accepted a concept plan or an incorporated municipality has accepted a plan.
DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNIT. For multi-unit residential development which does not contain complete dwelling units, the number of dwelling units shall be calculated as follows:
(1) For the first eight occupants, one dwelling unit; and
(2) For every three occupants after the first eight occupants, one additional dwelling unit.
LATE RESPONSE. An incident when the primary unit from the first-due Fire Department responds after the allotted time has elapsed as determined by the Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association (CCVESA) or its successor.
LEVEL OF SERVICE. A qualitative measure describing operational conditions on road segments and intersections. Designations of A (free flow) through F (heavily congested) are determined based on criteria established by the Department of Public Works or the State Highway Administration, or their successor agencies, as applicable.
MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND. The annual average day demand for water multiplied by 1.75.
NO RESPONSE. An incident when the primary unit from the first-due Fire Department fails to respond.
PHASING. The scheduled stages by which a project or sections of lots subject to this chapter may proceed which regulate the progress of the project concurrent with available or adequate public facilities or services, or future availability of a relief facility.
PROJECTED ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY FLOW. The annual average daily flow for sewerage plus the projected flow for the proposed use.
RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. All proposed buildings or structures which will contain one or more dwelling units or equivalent dwelling units. This term includes an accessory dwelling, nursing home, continuing care retirement community, and assisted living facility. This term does not include a hospital, hotel, motel, or similar building used for transient overnight stays.
RETIREMENT HOME. A development consisting of one or more buildings designed to meet the needs of, and exclusively for, the residences of persons at least 55 years of age.
ROADS. Applies to public roads that the county or other governmental entity owns or has primary maintenance responsibility.
SCHEDULED COMPLETION YEAR. The year established by the Planning Commission for recordation of each section of a project.
SCHOOLS. Applies only to public schools kindergarten through grade 12.
(2004 Code, § 71-2) (Ord. 161, passed 3-5-1998; Ord. 02-12, passed 8-13-2002; Ord. 04-13, passed 4-20-2004; Ord. 08-01, passed 2-14-2008)