   161.01   Definitions
   161.02   Authority/public principal
   161.03   Petition
   161.04   Contents of development rights and responsibilities agreement
   161.05   Referral to Planning Commission
   161.06   Public hearing
   161.07   Amendment of agreement
   161.08   Termination of agreement; suspension
   161.09   Applicable law, regulations and policies
   161.10   Recording
   161.11   Time limits
   161.12   Open sessions
   The words or phrases used in this chapter shall have the meaning prescribed in the current County Code except as otherwise indicated herein:
   AGREEMENT. A development rights and responsibilities agreement, including any amendment.
   APPLICANT. Any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, society, syndication, trust, or other legal entity that files a petition to enter into an agreement.
   COUNTY. Carroll County, Maryland.
   COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR. The Carroll County Administrator or any successor(s) or designee(s) to the duties and responsibilities of the Administrator.
   COUNTY GOVERNING BODY. Board of County Commissioners of Carroll County, Maryland.
   DEVELOPMENT. The subdivision of land and those divisions of land referred to as off conveyances, and/or any change to improved or unimproved real estate: including but not limited to: construction; reconstruction; structural alterations: relocation or enlargement of any structure, road, driveway, or appurtenance; grading; dredging; filling; paving; clearing; excavation; dumping; extraction or storage of soil or minerals; the storage of equipment or material.
   ENHANCED PUBLIC BENEFITS. Public infrastructure improvements or other public benefit features to be provided at the applicant's expense, above and beyond those that the applicant would otherwise be required to provide under applicable law, including but not limited to adequate public facilities and rezoning ordinance requirements during the course of the development of the property.
   MASTER PLAN. The current Carroll County Master Plan, or Comprehensive or Functional Plans, as adopted by the county under the provisions of the Land Use Article of the Maryland Annotated Code.
   PLANNING COMMISSION. The Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission.
   PROPERTY.  The real property to be developed which is the subject of an agreement.
   PUBLIC PRINCIPAL.  The governmental entity of the county that has been granted the authority to enter into agreements under this chapter.
(Ord. 2024-08, passed 10-10-2024)
   The county may exercise the authority granted by Md. Code, Land Use Article, § 7-302(b), to enter into development rights and responsibility agreements and shall exercise the authority of the public principal to negotiate, execute and enforce Agreements.
(Ord. 2024-08, passed 10-10-2024)