(A)   A developer or person may choose to use an independent impact analysis to compute the development impact fee due.
   (B)   The developer or person shall be responsible for the preparation of the draft independent impact analysis and the Budget Officer shall accept, reject, or modify the draft analysis.
   (C)   The Budget Officer shall approve the person who prepares the draft independent impact analysis on the basis of professional training and experience in preparation of development impact analysis. The independent impact analysis shall conform to standard methodologies and format and be approved by the Budget Officer. The Budget Officer may publish acceptable methodologies and formats for the preparation of impact analysis. Prior to submission of the draft independent impact analysis, the developer or person shall meet with the Budget Officer to review the requirements for the preparation of a draft independent impact analysis.
   (D)   In addition to any other methodologies approved by the Budget Officer, the following formulas shall be used to determine the development impact fee for schools, unless the developer or person provides substantial competent evidence that an alternative formula or methodology should be used:
School fee =    (SCPU x CPS) - (SCPU x CPS x .25) +
      (SCPU x CPS2) - (SCPU x CPS2 x .25) +
      (SCPU x CPS3) - (SCPU x CPS3 x .25)
   SCPU =    School children per unit
   CPS =    Cost per student for Grades K-5
   CPS2 =    Cost per student for Grades 6-8
   CPS3 =    Cost per student for Grades 9-12
(2004 Code, § 102-5) (Ord. 165, passed 11-18-1998; Ord. 02-20, passed 11-21-2002)