Fiscal Year; Levy
   33.01   Fiscal and taxable year; date of finality
   33.02   Basis of levy
   33.03   Interest and discounts on subsequent taxes
   33.04   Tax sales of property
   33.05   Method used to equalize tax burden
   33.20   Controlled dangerous substances
   33.21   Recordation tax
   33.22   Income tax rate
   33.23   Mobile home park tax
Tax Credits
   33.35   Stormwater management tax credit
   33.36   Research and development exemption
   33.37   Tax credit for land subject to a conservation easement
   33.38   Tax credit for surviving spouse of fallen law enforcement officers, correctional officers, or rescue workers; and for disabled law enforcement officers, correctional officers, or rescue workers
   33.39   Local supplement to homeowners’ tax credit
   33.40   Gateway renovation tax credit
   33.41   Green building tax credit
   33.42   Job creation tax credit
Development Impact Fees
   33.55   Definitions and word usage
   33.56   Purpose
   33.57   Who must pay fees
   33.58   Computation of fees according to fee schedule
   33.59   Computation of fees using independent impact analysis
   33.60   Payment of fee; lien against property
   33.61   Credits
   33.62   Use of funds
   33.63   Refund of fees
   33.64   Appeals
   33.65   Special trust account
   33.66   Accounting of funds in special trust account
   33.67   Violations
   33.68   Action to recover fees
   33.69   Waivers
Clean Energy Loan Program
   33.75   Purpose
   33.76   Clean Energy Loan Program
   33.77   Real property tax surcharge
   33.78   Financing
   33.79   Designee of Program Administrator
   33.99   Penalty
   Revenue and Taxes, see Code of Public Local Laws, Title 9
   (A)   Beginning July 1, 1964, the fiscal year for the county shall be the period commencing July 1 in each year and ending June 30 following.
   (B)   Beginning July 1, 1964, the taxable year shall be the period commencing July 1 of each year and ending on June 30 following.
   (C)   From and after July 1, 1964, the date of finality is January 1 and the semiannual date of finality is July 1 of each year.
(2004 Code, § 209-1) (Ord. 4, passed 11-12-1963)
§ 33.02 BASIS OF LEVY.
   (A)   For the taxable period commencing January 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1964, the County Commissioners will make a fractional levy on real property from the records of assessments of the Supervisor of Assessments for the county, as provided by existing law; personal property taxes for this six-month transitional period will be levied from the assessments made by the Supervisor of Assessments for the county for the year 1963; corporation taxes and other assessments certified by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) shall be based upon certifications for the year 1963 for the purpose of the transitional period.
   (B)   For the taxable period commencing July 1 of each year and ending on June 30 following, from and after July 1, 1964, the County Commissioners will make a levy on real property and personal property from the records of assessments of the Supervisor of Assessments for the county, as provided by existing law; corporation taxes and other assessments certified by the SDAT shall be based upon certifications as provided by existing law.
   (C)   The County Commissioners shall make the tax levy not later than the first Tuesday of April of each year.
(2004 Code, § 209-2) (Ord. 4, passed 11-12-1963)