1967, ch. 754, sec. 439M; 1971, ch. 608, sec. 439M; 1976 Code, sec. 15-13; 1978, ch. 739; 2000, ch. 601.
Whenever the plans and specifications for water, sewerage, or drainage systems or extensions shall have been completed and the Board has decided to proceed with construction, the Board shall, when required by this title, by notice in one newspaper published in Carroll County and newspapers and technical press as it may deem proper, advertise for bids for the construction of the system or systems, in part or as a whole, as in its judgment may appear advisable. The contract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, or the Board may reject any or all bids; and, if in its discretion the prices quoted are unreasonable or unbalanced, the Board may readvertise the work or any part of the work or may do any part or all of the work by day labor; provided that any time the Board, in its discretion, may expend by day labor for construction and for supplies and equipment an amount not exceeding $5,000 without advertising and receiving bids. All such contracts shall be protected by bonds, penalties, and conditions as the Board may require, all of which shall be enforced in any court having jurisdiction.
1967, ch. 754, sec. 439N; 1976 Code, sec. 15-14; 1978, ch. 739; 2000, ch. 601.
No sewerage, water, or drainage system or extension serving two or more properties in Carroll County may be constructed by any private owner without the prior approval of the Board. If upon application for the construction or extension of any such system the Board determines that the construction or extension is inexpedient or impracticable at that time, owing to the remoteness from its general system or other considerations, the applicant may build and operate the system or extension thereof at its own expense; but it shall be constructed only under such plans and specifications as have been submitted to and approved by the Board, and its maintenance and operation shall be under the general control or supervision of the Board. No system or part of the system or no water main, sewer, storm water drain, water purification or sewage treatment plan or no connection with any of them shall be constructed or installed except as in this section provided, and any violation of this provision shall be a misdemeanor punishable under § 14-801 of this title. The applicant for the construction or extension of any such privately-owned system shall bear the reasonable costs that the Board may incur for the review and approval of any plans and for the supervision by the Board of the maintenance and operation of the system. All construction and operating records including cost records shall be filed with the Board, which shall be empowered at any time to take over the system or part of the system or the water main, sewer, storm water drain, water purification or sewage treatment plant or connection with any of them in the same manner as provided under § 14-201 of this title. Nothing in this section impairs the rate making powers of the Public Service Commission nor eliminates the requirements of the law for the approval of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in the construction and maintenance of the facilities. No private sewerage, water or drainage systems or extensions of the systems authorized by this section shall be approved if the construction and operation of the system or systems will cause water pollution endangering the water supply of any municipality or other public agency or private utility corporation supplying water and sewer services in Carroll County. If a private system approved under the authority of this title causes pollution, then the County is authorized to require modifications as may be necessary to eliminate the pollution and to take other legal steps as may be necessary to enforce its orders eliminating the nuisance of water pollution.
1967, ch. 754, sec. 439J; 1976 Code, sec. 15-10; 1978, ch. 739; 2000, ch. 601.
Any employee or agent of the County has the right of entry, at all reasonable hours, upon any private premises and into any building in the service area while in pursuit of his official duties, after reasonable notice and upon reasonable notice and first presenting proper credentials from the Board. The Board or the County’s agent or employees may order and require changes in plumbing, water usage, drainage or water or sewer connections as it deems necessary to eliminate leakage, loss of water, unnecessary or improper use of sewers. The Board shall exercise control of the water supply at all times and in case of shortage of water or, for any other reason, the Board, in the exercise of its discretion, may determine that the water supply should be conserved. The consumers, upon notice from the County, its agents or employees, or upon notice published in one newspaper published in Carroll County for one insertion, shall comply with any order passed by the Board to conserve the water supply. In addition to any other penalty prescribed in this title, the County may turn off the water supply of any person violating the order at any time without further notice. Any unreasonable restraint or hindrance offered by any owner, tenant, or agent or any other person, to the right of entry in this section provided or any violation of any order issued under this section is a misdemeanor punishable under § 14-801 of this title. Nothing in this section is applicable within any municipality or to any water and sewerage system operated by a municipality unless authorized under § 14-106 of this title.
1967, ch. 754, sec. 439K; 1976 Code, sec. 15-11; 1978, ch. 739; 2000, ch. 601.
The Board may enter upon and excavate any State or county street, road, or way, or any other public highway within the service area, for the purpose of installing, maintaining, and operating the water, sewerage, or drainage systems provided for under this title. The Board may construct in any street, road, way, or public highway, a water main, sewer, or drain or any appurtenances, without the receipt of a permit or the payment of a charge; provided that whenever any State or county highway within the service area is to be disturbed the public authority having control shall be duly notified; and provided further, that the highway shall be repaired and left by the Board in the same condition or in a condition not inferior to that existing before it was torn up, and that all incidental costs shall be borne by the County.