09-01-01: Title
09-01-03: Structure, Purpose And Authority
09-01-05: Repealer
09-01-07: Saving Clause
09-01-09: Area Of City Impact Defined
09-01-11: Geographic Area Of City Impact Established
09-01-13: Area Of City Impact Map
09-01-15: Annexation Limited
09-01-17: Applicable Comprehensive Plan And Policies
09-01-19: Applicable Ordinances And Standards
09-01-21: Zoning Ordinance Amendment Proposals
09-01-23: Amendment Of County And City Ordinances Relating To Area Of City Impact And Notice
09-01-25: Application Procedures
09-01-27: Amendment Of Caldwell Area Of City Impact (Plans And Ordinances) Ordinance
09-01-29: Severability
09-01-31: Effective Date
(1) Structure: Titles and subtitles of this article are only used for organization and structure, and the language in each paragraph of this article should control with regard to determining the legislative intent and meaning of the board of county commissioners.
(2) Purpose: The purpose of these provisions is to promote the public health, safety, general welfare, peace, good order, comfort and convenience of Canyon County and the inhabitants thereof by establishing regulations for the Caldwell area of city impact, and further, to:
A. Facilitate Legal Duties Or Parties: To facilitate the legal duties, responsibilities, and authority of Canyon County, Idaho and city of Caldwell, Idaho as is prescribed and provided by the Idaho legislature regarding impact areas; and
B. Processing Of Land Use And Land Division Applications: To provide steps and procedures required for processing zoning applications, comprehensive plan and zoning amendments and subdivision plats and land division within the Caldwell area of city impact in accordance with Idaho Code section 67-6526; and
C. Economical And Compatible Infrastructure: To identify an urban fringe in the unincorporated area surrounding the city of Caldwell within which there is potential for development or changes in land use that must be planned, designed and constructed in an orderly manner compatible with the city of Caldwell for the city of Caldwell to assure timely and/or economical provision of public services, such as: water supply, sewage and storm water collection and treatment, public safety services, airport, parks, and other community service facilities.
D. Compatible Land Use And Roads: To promote land use compatibility, maintain consistent and continuous street alignment, and support traffic flow objectives.
(3) Duration: This article shall be in effect unless amended or otherwise changed in accordance with section 09-01-17: of this article.
(4) Authority: This article is authorized by Idaho Code sections 31-801, 31-828 and 67-6526.
(5) No Separate Entity: This article does not create a separate legal entity.
(6) No Administrative Entity Created: No administrative entity is created as this article only provides for cooperation between the parties using existing agency personnel.
(7) Real And Personal Property: It is not contemplated, due to the nature of this article, that there will be a need to acquire, hold, and/or dispose of any real or personal property under this article.
(8) No Administrative Entity Created: No administrative entity is created as this agreement only provides for cooperation between the parties using existing personnel of Canyon County and the city of Caldwell.
(9) Financing/Budget: Unless otherwise agreed to in writing there shall be no joint financing of activities under this article. No compensation shall be due and owing for services to either party from the other party. Each party agrees to establish its own fees and to be responsible for the collection of said fees from the public and for payment of compensation and benefits for its employees. Each party shall independently budget for expected expenses under this article. (Ord. 05-013, 6-1-2005)