(a)   The location of the ground mounted or free standing solar collector shall meet the greater of the setback requirements for Accessory Buildings set forth in Residential Zoning Districts as follows:
      (1)   Minimum required side yard setback 25 feet
      (2)   Minimum required rear yard setback 30 feet
      (3)   No ground mounted or freestanding solar collectors in front yards.
   (b)   The height of any solar collector and any mounts shall be at the Zoning Board of Appeals discretion upon application for building permit.
   (c)   Ground mounted and freestanding solar collectors shall be screened when possible and practicable from adjoining lots and street rights of way through the use of architectural features, earth berms, landscaping, fencing or other screening which will harmonize with the character of the property and surrounding area. The proposed screening shall not interfere with normal operation of the solar collectors.
   (d)   Solar energy equipment shall be located in a manner to reasonably minimize view blockage for surrounding properties and shading of property to the north, while still providing adequate solar access for collectors.
   (e)   Solar energy equipment shall not be sited within any required buffer area.
   (f)   The total surface area of all ground-mounted and freestanding solar collectors on a lot shall not exceed the area of the ground covered by the building structure of the largest building on the lot measured from the exterior walls, excluding patios, decks, balconies, screened and open porches and attached garages, provided that non-residential placements exceeding this size may be approved by the Planning Director and/or Commission, subject to site plan review.
   (g)   All solar collector installations must be performed by a qualified solar installer.
   (h)   Any connection to the public utility grid must be inspected by the appropriate public utility.
   (i)   Solar energy systems shall be maintained in good working order.
   (j)   Rooftop and building-mounted solar collectors shall meet Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code Standards.
   (k)   If solar storage batteries are included as part of the solar collector system, they must be placed in a secure container or enclosure meeting the requirements of the Building Code when in use and when no longer used shall be disposed of in accordance with the laws and regulations of the City and other applicable laws and regulations.
   (l)   Solar Energy Systems and Equipment shall be marked in order to provide emergency responders with appropriate warning and guidance with respect to isolating the solar electric system.
   (m)   Solar farms and Solar Power Plants shall be permitted in the Business and Industrial Zoning Districts as an electric generating" use subject to site plan review and the following supplementary regulations:
      (1)    Solar farms and solar power plants shall be enclosed by a black chain link perimeter fence to restrict unauthorized access at a minimum height of 8 feet.
      (2)   The manufacturer's or installer's identification and appropriate warning signage shall be posted at the site and clearly visible.
      (3)   Solar farm and solar power plant buildings and accessory structures shall, to the extent reasonably possible, use materials, colors, and textured that will blend the facility into the existing environment.
      (4)   Appropriate landscaping and/or screening materials may be required to help screen the solar power plant and accessory structures from major roads and neighboring residences.
      (5)   The average height of the solar panel arrays shall be at the discretion of the Commission and tailored to each installation.
      (6)   Solar farm and Solar Power Plan panels and equipment shall be surfaced, designed and sited so as not to reflect glare onto adjacent properties and roadways.
      (7)   On-site power lines shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be placed underground.
      (8)   Any change of ownership and/or operation shall require a new application.
         (Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)