It is the aim of the Commission to minimize the negative impacts of development on the environment. Therefore, these regulations require that all proposed developments, including municipal developments, implement Low Impact Development (LID) practices and techniques as the standard approach to site design and development. Low Impact Development is an ecologically friendly approach to site development and stormwater management that aim to mitigate development impacts to land, water, and air. Such practices and techniques emphasize the integration of site design and planning techniques that conserve the natural environment. Practices and techniques aim to reduce the impact of development through conservation measures, reduced impervious coverage, slow runoff by using landscape design and features, and reduce and cleanse runoff. If LID practices and techniques cannot be utilized, the burden is on the applicant to demonstrate why LID is not feasible. The Commission may approve a site plan that utilizes LID, partially utilizes LID, or does not utilize LID in cases where the application has demonstrated LID is not feasible. (Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)