1162.01 PURPOSE.
   These residential zoning districts are established to provide for residential neighborhoods that are in harmony with the natural features of the land, economic conditions, and the needs of Canton residents, both present and future.
   (a)   OS - Open Space District: The purpose of the OS District is to provide areas for public and quasi-public uses, areas for recreation and conservation purposes and areas suitable for noncommercial recreation.
   (b)   CS - Community Service District: The purpose of the Community Service District is to allow those uses which are acceptable in a community and needed by the same to exist in a district designed to reduce encroachment onto neighboring properties and residential districts. The Community Service District is designed to take into account traffic needs, ancillary uses and problems created by noise, traffic and size requirements of buildings for such uses.
      (Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)