Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this chapter shall be as follows or as defined in Sections 943.01 and/or 947.01.
   (a)    "The Act" means the Federal Pollution Control Act (33 U. S. C. 251 et seq.), as amended by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (P. L. 92-500 and P. L. 93-243), or as may be amended in the future.
   (b)    "Federal Agency" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).
   (c)    "Industrial Cost Recovery System (ICRS)" means a system of charges by which the agency recovers from the industrial users of a treatment works the federal grant amount allocable to the construction of facilities for the collection and treatment of industrial process wastes from such users pursuant to this regulation and the Act.
   (d)    "Industrial cost recovery period" means that period during which the federal grant amount allocable to the collection and treatment of industrial process wastes is recovered from industrial users of such works. For each project or improvement constructed under the act, the ICRS shall be effective for a period of thirty years from the date that the ICRS is initiated for any such project or improvement.
   (e)    "Industrial cost recovery - recovered amounts" means the sums of moneys collected annually through the ICRS.
   (f)    "Industrial cost recovery - retained amounts" means the portion of recovered amounts, that being fifty percent (50%), to be retained by the Agency, used, invested and disbursed in accordance with the Act.
   (g)    "Industrial cost recovery - returned amounts" means the portion of recovered amounts, that being fifty percent (50%), to be returned annually to the United States Treasury in accordance with the Act. (Ord. 147-80. Passed 4-28-80.)