(a) Upon the occurrence of any emergency situation within City government that affects the health, safety and welfare of this City and which requires the immediate attention on the part of the executive members of City government, the appropriate City official, i. e. Mayor, Service Director or Safety Director, a written report shall be submitted to the Clerk of Council with a copy of this report to the Chairman of the Finance Committee and, if applicable, a copy to the chairman of any other committee of Council that normally will be charged with the responsibility of the subject matter of the emergency.
(b) Such written report and copy or copies shall be submitted to Council for the Council agenda for the next succeeding Council meeting, as long as the emergency did not exist seventy-two hours before the preceding meeting.
(c) The written report shall be placed on the Council agenda for the next succeeding Council meeting.
(d) Written reports shall to the extent possible:
(1) Describe the nature of the emergency;
(2) Provide the various alternatives being provided to correct the problem;
(3) Name the appropriate department head charged with the responsibility of coping with the emergency;
(4) Name contractors or persons who are being considered to undertake the responsibility of dealing with such an emergency;
(5) Name the contractors or persons who are performing the work necessary to undertake the responsibility of dealing with the emergency;
(6) Provide the estimate cost for such an undertaking if this information is available; and
(7) Provide effort and time for the work to be performed by such contractors or persons if available, and other relevant information that is necessary to give Council the full picture and the process being used to determine the resolution of such emergency.
(e) Strict compliance of the foregoing on the part of those who may have to proceed with the remedy or repair of an emergency situation without prior legislative authority will be a substantial consideration on the part of Council in subsequently enacting the legislation to compensate the person who has undertaken such emergency work.
(f) Upon receipt of such written notice, the chairman of the Council committee(s) shall make reasonable efforts to come in contact with the City department director who has assumed the responsibility of coping with such emergency situation.
(g) The Board of Control is directed to notify and invite all contractors to enter their names on a list with the City if they wish to participate in handling work or supplying material for the City on an emergency basis. A copy of the contractors who will participate is to be registered with the Clerk of Council.
(Res. 76-76. Passed 3-1-76.)
(Res. 76-76. Passed 3-1-76.)