The Director of Public Safety may issue a license to each applicant intending to drive or attend an ambulance providing the following requirements are met:
   (a)    Each applicant shall be able to speak, read and write the English language.
   (b)    Each applicant shall be clean of dress and person and not addicted to the use of alcohol or drugs.
   (c)    Each applicant shall be at least eighteen years of age.
   (d)    Each applicant shall pass a physical examination with a doctor's certificate showing that driver and attendants are physically qualified to operate an ambulance. The costs of such physical examination shall be at the expense of each applicant. Each applicant shall be required to submit a doctor's certificate of ability with the original license application only and shall not be required to submit a doctor's certificate of ability with renewal applications unless there has been a break in the continuity of applicant's licensed status or unless the Director has directed the applicant to take and pass a physical examination pursuant to the provisions of Section 703.06(k).
   (e)    Each applicant shall possess a valid Ohio Driver's License and each driver applicant shall possess a valid Ohio Chauffeur's License.
   (f)    Each attendant applicant shall, in addition to the other requirements of this section, submit proof of current State certification as an “EMT-basic”, “EMT-I” or “Emergency medical technician-paramedic”, which documentation shall accompany the application.
   (g)    Affidavits as to applicant's character from two reputable citizens of the United States, other than relatives who have personally known such applicant and observed the conduct of such applicant during the two years preceding application, shall be filed with the Director.
   (h)    An application form supplied by the Director shall be completed, sworn to and signed by the applicant. Such form shall be notarized and contain the applicant's full name, residence, place of birth and marital status; whether the applicant has been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor and a listing of all arrests, indictments, convictions and traffic citations. The application shall also contain a list of all mental hospitals or institutions in which such applicant has been interned or stayed voluntarily during the past ten years; whether or not the applicant has been previously licensed as a driver or chauffeur and, if so, when and where and whether such license has ever been revoked or suspended and, if so, for what reason.
   (i)    Such other information as the Director may request which is reasonable for compliance with this chapter.
   The Director shall grant the ambulance driver's or ambulance attendant's license if satisfied as to the applicant's qualifications pursuant to the regulations of this section.
(Ord. 39-91. Passed 3-11-91.)