Before formal submission of the zone change request and preliminary I-PUD plan, the owner/developer shall be required to engage in consultations with the Zoning Inspector, City department representatives and the chairperson of the Planning Commission. These consultations are intended to familiarize the owner/developer with the I-PUD process and the City's general expectations concerning the specific parcel. The owner/developer shall be encouraged to provide initial planning concepts for departmental staff review. No statement or representation during the information consultation shall be binding upon the Planning Commission or Council.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
The owner/developer shall, after consultation with the Zoning Inspector and departmental representatives, make an informal presentation of the preliminary I-PUD plan to the Planning Commission. The owner shall attend a Commission meeting in order to discuss the plan. Eight copies of the preliminary PUD plan shall be submitted to the Commission no later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the next meeting and shall include the following items:
(a) Boundaries of the tract to be developed on a planned unit basis.
(b) Base mapping of the tract showing the physical features, such as topography drainage ways, water bodies, vegetation and existing land uses.
(c) Highways and streets in the vicinity of the tract and the ingress and egress to the tract.
(d) Proposed density levels of each residential area (units per acre); total overall density.
(e) Proposed treatment of existing topography, drainage ways, tree cover and proposed storm water management plan.
(f) Proposed general location of major vehicular circulation, showing how this circulation pattern relates to the major thoroughfare plan.
(g) Proposed arrangement of required open space.
(h) Time schedule of projected development.
Within thirty (30) days of the information presentation, the Commission shall provide to the owner/developer a report of comments and concerns regarding the preliminary PUD plan. This report is intended to provide the owner/developer with the information needed to improve the proposal's chances for a favorable recommendation by the Commission.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
(a) The owner/developer shall consider the suggestions made by the Planning Commission. After making the appropriate changes, the owner/developer shall formally submit the preliminary I-PUD plan (eight copies) and the zone change request to the Zoning Inspector at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the next meeting. The preliminary I-PUD plan shall be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Commission. The Zoning Inspector shall develop the appropriate legislation for the first reading of the zone change request ordinance for the next regular Council meeting. The zone change request shall include all of the information normally required under Section 1131.03.
(b) The format submission shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000) to cover administrative costs and plan review costs by the City Engineer. (Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
The Planning Commission shall consider the following factors in making its recommendation to Council:
(a) That the I-PUD District is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan.
(b) That each individual stage of development shall not exceed the maximum density proposed for the planned unit development landholding as a whole.
(c) That the use proposed will not be detrimental to present and potential surrounding uses, but will have a beneficial effect which could not be achieved under other zoning districts.
(d) That the areas proposed shall be used only for industrial purposes and the usual accessory areas.
(e) That the internal private drives that are proposed shall properly interconnect with the surrounding existing major and minor streets as designated in the major thoroughfare plan and be able to withstand anticipated loads.
(f) That the minimum common open space area has been designated and shall be duly transferred to a legal entity as herein provided.
(g) That the preliminary I-PUD plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of this Zoning Ordinance, to promote public health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Municipality.
(h) Whether or not curbing is appropriate.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)