   The I-PUD shall be developed in park-like surroundings utilizing trees as buffers to effectively screen lighting, parking areas, loading areas, docks and/or outdoor storage of raw materials or products. Thoroughfares shall be kept to a minimum in order to reduce through traffic. (Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
   (a)    Minimum area frontage and setback requirements may be varied to allow flexibility subject to the approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. However, a minimum setback requirement of one hundred (100) feet from residential districts and parks shall be required.
   (b)    Minimum spacing shall also be subject to Planning and Zoning Commission approval and Applicable Fire Code regulations and requirements.
   (c)    No structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height. However, upon certification from the Cardinal Joint Fire District and subsequent approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, a structure(s) may be allowed up to fifty (50) feet in height.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
   (a)    When any Industrial Planned Development is located adjacent to any Residential District, a minimum width of twenty (20) feet along the exterior property line shall be retained in natural woods or planting, or maintained with a dense planting of evergreens not less than six (6) feet apart on center and four (4) feet in height at the time of planting. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve alternate screening if it determines that such screening meets the intent of this requirement.
   (b)   Outdoor storage areas or containers holding stored material or equipment, including trans and process waste, shall be effectively screened from adjoining properties, streets and other public areas. (Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
   Security lighting shall be provided at all building entrances and at any other locations susceptible to forcible entry. All lighting shall be installed as to reflect light away from adjoining properties.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
   (a)    Access by fire and other emergency vehicles shall not be impeded. Industrial and manufacturing plants and establishments shall have a minimum of one (1) parking space for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, plus one (1) parking space for every two (2) employees on combined work shift. Warehouses and distribution establishments shall have one (1) parking space for every five thousand (5,000) square feet of floor area plus one (1) parking space for every two (2) employees on combined work shifts. Each use shall also have one (1) loading space per each ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area.
   (b)    Private driveways within the I-PUD shall be installed in accordance with Appendix “A”. (Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
1156.11 SIGNS.
   (a)    Permanent Signs.
      (1)   Location. The following types of signs shall be permitted in shopping centers, office or business complexes and multiple business buildings, subject to the provisions specified in these sign regulations.
         A.    Free-standing signs must be located a minimum of five (5) feet from the property line.
         B.    Wall signs.
         C.    Marquee signs.
      (2)    Maximum number.
         A.    One free-standing sign having not more than two individual sign faces, shall be permitted within a shopping center or office or business complex and multiple business building development to serve all of the businesses within such development.
         B.    The maximum number of wall signs and marquee signs permitted within a shopping center or office complex development shall be limited by the number of establishments located within the development. One wall sign and one marquee sign having not more than two individual sign faces shall be permitted per establishment.
    (3)    Maximum size.
         A.    The maximum permitted sign area of a free-standing sign shall be 150 square feet and in no case shall any individual sign contain more than seventy-five square feet per sign face.
         B.    The maximum permitted sign area of the wall sign permitted per business shall not exceed two square feet of sign area per lineal foot of width of the building or part of the building occupied by the establishment. Width shall be measured along the building face which is nearest parallel to the street line. In the case of a corner lot or location, either frontage may be used in determining the maximum permitted sign area.
         C.    The maximum permitted sign area of the marquee sign permitted per establishment shall be four square feet and in no case shall any individual sign contain more than two square feet per sign face.
      (4)    Maximum height.
         A.    No free-standing sign shall exceed thirty feet in height. No free- standing sign shall extend without support more than eight feet horizontally, nor within five feet of the right-of-way edge of the street next to which it is located or placed. Where a free-standing sign is located within a paved area which may be subject to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, the sign shall be:
            1.    Situated so as to not duly obstruct normal traffic or pathways; and
            2.    Have its bottom edge either within two feet of grade, or not less than nine feet above grade to provide adequate and safe clearance.
No free-standing sign shall have its supporting structure located closer than fifty feet from any R-1, R-1A, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5,
R-PUD or R-MHP Zoning District.
         B.    The top edge of a wall sign shall not extend above the building on or to which it is painted, attached or supported.
   (b)    Temporary Signs. Construction signs, political signs, real estate signs, and religious, charitable and civic organization signs where permitted in all zoning districts shall be considered as temporary signs and shall only be permitted subject to the provisions specified in these regulations.
Construction signs. Construction signs shall be permitted in any location where current, on-going construction projects are in progress.
      (1)    Construction signs shall not be illuminated.
      (2)   One construction sign having not more than two individual sign faces shall be permitted per construction site.
      (3)   The provision of 1183.02 to 1183.99 shall also apply to I-PUD. Districts except as expressly modified herein.
         (Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
   Before formal submission of the zone change request and preliminary I-PUD plan, the owner/developer shall be required to engage in consultations with the Zoning Inspector, City department representatives and the chairperson of the Planning Commission. These consultations are intended to familiarize the owner/developer with the I-PUD process and the City's general expectations concerning the specific parcel. The owner/developer shall be encouraged to provide initial planning concepts for departmental staff review. No statement or representation during the information consultation shall be binding upon the Planning Commission or Council.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
   The owner/developer shall, after consultation with the Zoning Inspector and departmental representatives, make an informal presentation of the preliminary I-PUD plan to the Planning Commission. The owner shall attend a Commission meeting in order to discuss the plan. Eight copies of the preliminary PUD plan shall be submitted to the Commission no later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the next meeting and shall include the following items:
   (a)    Boundaries of the tract to be developed on a planned unit basis.
   (b)    Base mapping of the tract showing the physical features, such as topography drainage ways, water bodies, vegetation and existing land uses.
   (c)    Highways and streets in the vicinity of the tract and the ingress and egress to the tract.
   (d)   Proposed density levels of each residential area (units per acre); total overall density.
   (e)    Proposed treatment of existing topography, drainage ways, tree cover and proposed storm water management plan.
   (f)    Proposed general location of major vehicular circulation, showing how this circulation pattern relates to the major thoroughfare plan.
   (g)    Proposed arrangement of required open space.
   (h)    Time schedule of projected development.
   Within thirty (30) days of the information presentation, the Commission shall provide to the owner/developer a report of comments and concerns regarding the preliminary PUD plan. This report is intended to provide the owner/developer with the information needed to improve the proposal's chances for a favorable recommendation by the Commission.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
   (a)    The owner/developer shall consider the suggestions made by the Planning Commission. After making the appropriate changes, the owner/developer shall formally submit the preliminary I-PUD plan (eight copies) and the zone change request to the Zoning Inspector at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the next meeting. The preliminary I-PUD plan shall be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Commission. The Zoning Inspector shall develop the appropriate legislation for the first reading of the zone change request ordinance for the next regular Council meeting. The zone change request shall include all of the information normally required under Section 1131.03.
   (b)    The format submission shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000) to cover administrative costs and plan review costs by the City Engineer. (Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)