1131.01 Authority to amend.
1131.02 Initiation of amendments.
1131.03 Contents of application.
1131.04 Referral of a resolution or ordinance by Council.
1131.05 Council public hearing.
1131.06 Council action.
1131.07 Certification of zoning.
Referral of zoning ordinances to Planning Commission - see CHTR. 4.12
Public hearing on zoning ordinances - see CHTR. 4.13
Council may amend districting or zoning - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
Council may, by ordinance, after receipt of a recommendation thereon from the Planning Commission, and following the required public hearing held by Council, amend, supplement, change or repeal the regulations, restrictions and/or zoning district boundaries or classifications of property whenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfare, provision of the comprehensive plan or good zoning practices require.
(Ord. 1989-13. Passed 4-18-89.)
A request to amend this Zoning Ordinance may be initiated as follows:
(a) By the filing of an application by the owner, agent of the owner or an individual or entity who has a contractual right to purchase the property to be changed or affected by the proposed amendment.
(b) By adoption of a resolution or ordinance by Council.
(c) By adoption of a motion by the Planning Commission.
(d) By adoption of a motion by the Design Review and/or Historical Preservation Area Review Committee where the proposed amendment involves the "D" Design Area or Historical Preservation Area.
(Ord. 1989-13. Passed 4-18-89.)
(a) Applications for amendments to the official Zoning Map, such as zone change requests, shall include at least the following information:
(1) Name, address and telephone number of applicant.
(2) Location of the property, metes and bounds description, lot number of the tract and the present and proposed zoning district.
(3) A vicinity map, at a scale approved by the Zoning Inspector, showing the property lines, streets, existing and proposed zoning, and such other items as the Inspector may require.
(4) Present and proposed uses.
(5) Plat layout drawn to scale, showing the actual shape and dimension of the lot or parcel to be recorded and all lots and parcels within 200 feet thereof and showing the buildings, uses and zoning classification therefor which shall be attached to each application.
(6) A list of all property owners within 200 feet, contiguous to and directly across the street from the parcel proposed to be re-zoned and others that may have a substantial interest in the case.
(7) A statement on how the proposed amendment relates to the comprehensive plan.
(8) Specific reason justifying the application for amendment.
(9) A non-refundable fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) payable to the City to cover the administrative cost of the rezoning request.
(10) Signature of owner.
(b) Application for amendments to the Zoning Ordinance text shall include the following information:
(1) Name, address and telephone number of applicant.
(2) Proposed amendment to the text.
(3) Specific reason justifying the application for amendments.
(c) The amendment application shall be filed with the Zoning Inspector. The Zoning Inspector shall transmit the application to the Clerk of Council for first reading.
(Ord. 1989-13. Passed 4-18-89.)
(a) Each ordinance or resolution establishing, amending, revising, changing or repealing zoning classifications, districts, uses or regulations shall be referred to the Planning Commission immediately after its first reading. Within thirty days of such referral, the Planning Commission shall cause such ordinance or resolution to be returned to the Clerk of Council together with the written recommendations of the majority of the members of the Commission.
(b) In making its recommendation, the Planning Commission shall, by resolution:
(1) Recommend approval of the proposed amendment.
(2) Recommend approval with certain modifications, revisions or restrictions.
(3) Recommend disapproval of the proposed amendment.
(Ord. 1989-13. Passed 4-18-89.)
Within thirty days of the receipt of the Planning Commission recommendation, Council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment. Notice of the hearing shall be published at least fifteen days prior to the hearing date. Hearing notice requirements shall follow the rules established in Section 4.13 of the Charter.
(Ord. 1989-13. Passed 4-18-89.)
Within thirty days of the hearing date, Council shall take action on the proposed amendment.
If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the amendment, approval by Council requires only a three-fifths majority. If Council adds or deletes modifications or limitations and thus changes the Commission recommendation, passage requires a majority vote of Council.
If the Planning Commission recommends disapproval of the amendment, passage by Council requires a majority vote.