Whenever there is a conflict or difference between the provisions of this chapter and those of the subdivision regulations or other chapters of this Zoning Ordinance or other ordinances of the City, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail. Subjects not covered by this chapter shall be governed by the respective provisions found elsewhere in this Zoning Ordinance
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
Land use density shall be subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission with the following limitations:
(a) The impervious surface coverage shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the total site including right of ways.
(b) The Building Volume to Land Area (Building Volume Ratio) shall not exceed eight (8). Building Volume Ratio equals the volume of all buildings divided by the entire area of the development.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
The I-PUD shall be developed in park-like surroundings utilizing trees as buffers to effectively screen lighting, parking areas, loading areas, docks and/or outdoor storage of raw materials or products. Thoroughfares shall be kept to a minimum in order to reduce through traffic. (Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
(a) Minimum area frontage and setback requirements may be varied to allow flexibility subject to the approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. However, a minimum setback requirement of one hundred (100) feet from residential districts and parks shall be required.
(b) Minimum spacing shall also be subject to Planning and Zoning Commission approval and Applicable Fire Code regulations and requirements.
(c) No structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height. However, upon certification from the Cardinal Joint Fire District and subsequent approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, a structure(s) may be allowed up to fifty (50) feet in height.
(Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)
(a) When any Industrial Planned Development is located adjacent to any Residential District, a minimum width of twenty (20) feet along the exterior property line shall be retained in natural woods or planting, or maintained with a dense planting of evergreens not less than six (6) feet apart on center and four (4) feet in height at the time of planting. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve alternate screening if it determines that such screening meets the intent of this requirement.
(b) Outdoor storage areas or containers holding stored material or equipment, including trans and process waste, shall be effectively screened from adjoining properties, streets and other public areas. (Ord. 2003-01. Passed 1-2-03.)