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Canfield Overview
Codified Ordinances of Canfield, OH
(a)   After receiving notice of the approval of the preliminary plat and prior to the filing of the final plat, the subdivider shall present to the Commission, one original and two copies of the detailed engineering drawings and specifications of all utility and street improvements to be constructed in the proposed subdivision as required by the City and/or County Standards. The Commission shall within five (5) days after the filing of the above engineering drawings and specifications transmit copies of same to the County Health Officer and the City Engineer for study and recommendations. The Commission, after receiving a report from the aforementioned officials, shall notify the subdivider may upgrade the engineering drawings and specifications. Subsequent to the final approval of Construction Drawings and Specifications, the subdivider may submit the final plat for approval. The engineering drawings and specifications shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer.
(b)   Construction drawings shall be made with reproducible ink on a permanent reproducible material 24" x 36" in size and shall generally include the following items:
   (1)   Title Sheet
   (2)   Location Sketch
   (3)   Existing and Proposed Site Plan
   (4)   Grading Plan
   (5)   Typical Sections
   (6)   Plan and Profile
   (7)   Cross-Sections
   (8)   Summary of Quantities
   (9)   Design and Drainage Calculations and/or Storm Water Management Plan
   (10)   Erosion Control Plan
   (11)   Geometric Details
   (12)   Detail Drawings
   (13)   General Notes (Ex. Erosion Control)
Prior to Final Plat Approval, the subdivider shall submit permits from all required state, local or federal reviewing agencies.
(c)   Record Drawings. The subdivider shall provide to the City original tracings of the record drawings of all constructed improvements before final certification in writing by the City Engineer. Failure to supply the record drawings may constitute withholding of the Subdivision Bond and/or approval of the final plat.
(d)   Specifications. The subdivider shall be required to utilize the current City of Canfield specifications for all improvements within the jurisdiction of these Regulations.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
(a)   General. The final plat will have incorporated all changes or modifications required by the Planning Commission; otherwise, it shall conform to the preliminary plat, and it may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record and develop at the time, provided that such portion conforms with all requirements of these Regulations. It shall contain the information required by Section 207.
(b)   Filing.
      (1)   The final plat shall be filed not later than twelve (12) months after the date of approval of the preliminary plat; otherwise, it will be considered void unless an extension is requested in writing by the developer and granted by the Commission, in writing. The subdivider shall submit eight (8) copies of the final plat for approval.
      (2)   The final plat shall be filed not less than fifteen (15) working days prior to the Commission's regularly scheduled meeting at which it is to be considered. The appearance of the subdivider is required at the Commissioners Meeting.
(c)   Approval.
      (1)   The Commission shall forward copies of the final plat to such officials and agencies as may be necessary for the purpose of final approval, subject to their aforemade recommendations to the preliminary plat. After receipt of approval from such officials and agencies the Commission shall take action on the final plat within thirty (30) days from the date of submittal.
      (2)   The subdivider shall be notified of the final approval of the plat by the Commission and said approval shall be endorsed in writing on the plat. The Commission shall then present the plat to Council for final approval.
      (3)   If the subdivider elects to construct the improvements without a subdivision bond, final plat approval will not be issued until satisfactory completion of all the improvements. If the subdivider elects to post a subdivision bond, final plat approval by council may be issued upon the receipt of the bond and execution of the Subdivider's Agreement. The subdivider electing to construct without a bond shall execute a subdivider's agreement with Council before proceeding with construction.
      (4)   After approval by Council, subdivider has two (2) years to gain acceptance by Council or no additional permits shall be issued.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
      (5)   This approval authorizes the developer to:
         A.   Record the lots;
         B.   Sell lots;
         C.   Commence subdivision improvements.
This approval does not authorize issuance of zoning, building, water or sewer permits for structures within the subdivision. These zoning, building, water and sewer permits may be issued only after the City Engineer has issued a certificate of substantial completion for all improvements within the subdivision, as approved by the Zoning Inspector.
   (Ord. 2002-05. Passed 3-20-02.)
The final plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn with reproducible ink on a permanent reproducible material. The size of the plat shall be on one or more sheets not less than 12" x 18" nor more than 24" x 36" in size. The final plat shall be drawn at a scale not smaller than one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet.
(a)   Plat Contents. The final plat shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Residential Requirements.
         A.   The boundary lines of the subdivision with bearings to the seconds and distances to the hundredths of feet shall be indicated. The precision of the boundary survey shall be specified.
         B.   City, County, Township, and original lot lines.
         C.   The name of subdivision
         D.   All lots and lot lines with accurate dimensions and bearings, together with a numbering system for lots. When lots front on a curved street or are irregular in shape, the lot width at the building line shall be shown.
         E.   The accurate location, width of rights-of-way and names of all streets.
         F.   The location and description of all monuments.
         G.   The purpose and the boundary of all lands dedicated or reserved for public use including the area thereof.
         H.   The purpose for dimensions of all easements dedicated or reserved for public use, services or utilities.
         I.   All radii, chords, arcs, tangent distances, point of curvature, point of tangency, and central angles of all curves.
         J.   The names of owners of adjoining property and boundary corners of such adjoining property, as well as adjacent streets and alleys with their widths and names.
         K.   Setback building lines, with dimensions.
         L.   The north arrow with a statement as to the basis of their reference direction used, date and graphic scale.
         M.   The total acreage of land subdivided into lots, and the total lineal feet and total acreage of new streets and other rights-of-ways.
         N.   All protective covenants and deed restrictions shall be submitted. Eight (8) typewritten copies shall be attached one each, to the eight (8) copies of the final plat at time of filing with the Commission:
         O.   Certification by an Ohio registered surveyor that the details of the plat are accurate. He shall certify that all monuments are correctly shown and are in place.
         P.   Notarized certification that the applicant is the Owner of the land under consideration, or that the owner of such land has given consent under an option agreement.
         Q.   A certification by the City Engineer that the specifications and constructing drawings for required improvements within the proposed subdivision have been approved.
         R.   Certification of approval by the Canfield Planning Commission.
         S.   A certification of approval by the Mahoning County Board of Health where public water and sanitary sewer systems are not planned to be utilized.
         T.   Certification by the City Council of Canfield accepting land dedicated for streets and highways.
         U.   Certification of transfer by the Auditor of Mahoning County.
         V.   Certification for record by the Recorder of Mahoning County.
         W.   Appropriate reviewing agency permits.
      (2)   Commercial and Industrial Requirements. The following items shall be shown on a final plat of a subdivision intended for commercial or industrial use:
         A.   All of the items required by subsection (a)(1) hereof.
         B.   A statement indicating the number of buildings and the type of operation proposed in each building and on the premises.
         C.   A site plan including proposed major features including a grading plan.
         D.   Sidewalks will not be required in subdivisions designated and zoned exclusively for industrial use. However, if a subdivision has more than one zoned designated use then sidewalks shall be required continuously throughout the subdivision.
   (b)   After approval by Council subdivider has two (2) years to gain acceptance by Council or no additional permits shall be issued. The final plat at the time of acceptance by Council shall be accompanied by certificates showing the following:
      (1)   The developer shall present to the solicitor evidence that all taxes against the portion of the subdivider’s land to be dedicated to the City have been paid along with evidence that all encumbrances or liens of record against said portions to be dedicated have been released.   
      (2)   That all improvements have been installed and approved by the proper officials or agencies, and that a 2 year maintenance bond has been posted.
   (c)   Recording of Final Plat. After the final plat has been approved by the Commission and Council and the necessary approvals endorsed in writing thereon, together with evidence of title, the subdivider shall cause the final plat as approved by the Commission and Council to be recorded in the office of the Mahoning County Recorder no later than thirty (30) days after the date of approval unless an extension is agreed to by the Council. Failure to record on time or changes in the approved plat may cause the final plat to be declared null and void by Council.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
   (d)   Acceptance of Improvements. Council shall accept the improvements within any given subdivision only after:
      (1)   The City Engineer has certified that all required improvements are complete and have been installed in accordance with the specifications as set forth in the approved plat, as approved by the Zoning Inspector; and
      (2)   The subdivider and/or developer has posted a two-year maintenance bond. (The two-year maintenance bond shall be an amount equal to 10% of the total cost of all improvements in the subdivision.)
To expedite the acceptance process, the developer may request in writing that the City Engineer review the subdivision to determine that all improvements are complete. The Engineer shall review each subdivision within 10 days of each written request and provide a written report to the subdivider and the City of Canfield. (Ord. 2002-05. Passed 3-20-02.)
Replat or correction plat of which a plat had been previously recorded shall require the same procedures as for a new subdivision. The original volume and page of the plat recording shall be shown within the replat title. If a replat has been determined to be a minor subdivision, a fee in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid by legal tender, certified check or money order made payable to the City upon applying for the replat.
(Ord. 2004-01. Passed 1-21-04.)