925.01 Definitions.
925.02 Separation of public and private systems; extra-territorial purchasers.
925.03 Enforcement.
925.04 Resale of water prohibited.
925.05 Water system construction fee.
925.06 Rules and regulations for Divisions of Water and Sewer.
925.99 Penalty.
Power to provide and regulate water system - see Ohio R. C. 715.08, 717.01, 743.01
Water pollution - see Ohio R. C. 715.08, 743.24 et seq.
Compulsory water connections - see Ohio R. C. 729.06, 743.23
Tampering with water hydrants, pipes or meters; unauthorized connections - see Ohio R. C. 4933.22
Water rates - see S. & P. S. Ch. 927
The words "public water supply" as used in this chapter shall be construed to mean the water supply developed and distributed by the Municipality for public use. The words "private water supply" as used in this chapter shall be construed to mean any water supply developed by any person or persons, firm or corporation from any source other than the Municipality's public water supply. (Ord. 1936-5. Passed 5-4-36.)
(a) No connection to the waterworks mains of the Municipality shall be established or maintained to furnish water for purposes other than fire protection to any property now or hereafter provided with a private water supply unless the piping and distribution systems conveying the public water supply and the private water supply, respectively, are constructed and maintained so as to be completely separated and without any cross-connection through which water from the private water supply can enter the waterworks mains or distribution system of the public water supply and no such cross-connection shall be established or maintained for any property now or hereafter supplied with water from the waterworks mains of the Municipality.
(b) The Municipality shall sell and distribute water to extra-territorial users only pursuant to written agreements, approved by Council, providing that the Municipality shall be indemnified and held harmless by such extra-territorial user for all claims against the Municipality arising from the furnishing of such services, and such other terms as may be deemed necessary.
(Ord. 1985-22. Passed 10-1-85.)
(c) If, in the judgment of the Public Works Superintendent, or designee, an approved backflow prevention device is necessary for the safety of the public water system; the Superintendent of Public Works will give notice to the water consumer to install such an approved device. The owner of the premises where water is being consumed shall, at their own expense, install such an approved device at a location and in a manner approved by the Superintendent of Public Works and shall have inspections and tests made of such approved devices as required by the Superintendent of Public Works.
(d) Backflow Prevention Devices. In single-family and multi-family residential units in which a backflow prevention device is necessary for the safety of the public water system, the minimum protection required will be an ASSE 1024 Dual Check valve. If the Superintendent of Public Works or designee determines that a greater hazard or risk exists in any such unit a Double Check Assembly or a Reduced Pressure Assembly with two shut-off valves and four test cocks will be required.
In commercial and industrial facilities in which the Superintendent of Public Works determines that a backflow prevention device is necessary for the safety of the public water system; the minimum protection will be a Double Check Assembly with two shut-off valves and four test cocks. If the Superintendent of Public Works or designee determines that a greater hazard or risk exists in any such facility a Reduced Pressure Assembly Device with two shut-off valves and four test cocks will be required.
When water is heated and stored in a distribution system or a branch of the system that has been closed by the installation of a backflow prevention device, an expansion chamber shall be installed to limit thermal expansion of water being heated. The size, type and design of such expansion chamber shall be determined by the Superintendent of Public Works or his designee.
(e) Responsibility and Liabiity of Customer. It is the responsibility of the owner of any facility or residential unit which as a testable backflow prevention device on their service line to submit to the Superintendent of Public Works evidence of inspection of the device every twelve (12) months. This evidence will consist of a report which indicates that the device has been tested by a certified tester approved by the Superintendent of Public Works. All inspections, tests and repairs of backflow devices shall be made at the expense of the owner of the premises where the water is being consumed.
In the event the report indicates that the device is not operating properly, the owner must submit to the Superintendent, within thirty (30) days, evidence of any necessary repair or replacement and a report stating that the new or repaired device has been tested and found to be operating correctly.
Failure to supply either the testing report or the correction report may cause the City to terminate the water service. All testing of backflow prevention devices must be performed by a certified tester approved by the Superintendent of Public Works. All inspections, tests and repairs of backflow prevention devices shall be made at the expense of the owner of the premises.
(f) No person, firm, or corporation shall establish or permit to be established or maintain or permit to be maintained any connection whereby a private auxiliary or emergency water supply other than regular public water supply of the City of Canfield may enter the supply or distributing system of Canfield, unless such private, auxiliary or emergency water supply and the method of connection and use of such supply shall have been approved by the Superintendent of Utilities and by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(g) It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Works to cause surveys and investigations to be made at the properties serviced by the public water supply where actual or potential hazards to the public water supply may exist. Such surveys and investigations shall be made a matter of public record and shall be repeated as often as the Superintendent of Public Works shall deem necessary. That the Superintendent of Public Works or his duly authorized representative shall have the right to enter, at any reasonable time, any property service by a connection to the public water supply or distribution system of the Water Department for the purpose of inspecting the piping systems or systems thereof. Failure to permit entrance by the City for the purpose of inspecting the premises pursuant to this Section may result in the termination of water serviced.
(h) The Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to discontinue, after reasonable notice to the occupant thereof, the water service to any property wherein any connection in violation of the provision of this ordinance is known to exist, and to take such other precautionary measures as he may deem necessary to eliminate any danger of contamination of the public water supply distribution mains. Water service to such property shall not be restored until such conditions shall have been eliminated or corrected in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-58. Passed 12-2-20.)
(i) No owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any lot or land located within the municipality shall install, establish or construct a well for human consumption or any other use.
(Ord. 2024-03. Passed 1-17-24.)