931.01 Community.
931.02 Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan.
931.03 Purpose.
931.04 Disclaimer of liability.
931.05 Conflicts, severability, nuisances and responsibility.
931.06 Effective date.
931.07 Scope.
931.08 Consultations.
931.09 Construction Site Conservation Plan.
931.10 Easements.
931.11 Maintenance.
931.12 Minimum standards.
931.13 Stream channel and floodplain erosion design criteria.
931.14 Compliance with other rules and regulations.
931.15 Violations.
931.16 Penalties.
931.17 Construction and maintenance guarantee.
931.18 Application procedures for Construction Conservation Plans (CCP).
931.19 Definitions.
The Construction Site Conservation Plan developed to meet this regulation will be coordinated and combined with the Riparian and Wetland Setback Plan and the PostConstruction Water Quality Plan that are developed for the same site. These plans will be titled and numbered in one consecutive sequence to make a Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan for the site. The Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan so developed will serve as the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) required by Ohio EPA as part of the NPDES Storm Water Permit for General Construction.
(Ord. 2009-26. Passed 5-20-09.)