Sewers Generally
   EDITOR’S NOTE: By Ordinance 2003-17, Council approved rules and regulations for the Division of Water and Sewer.
921.01   Responsibility of Division of Water and Sewer.
921.02   Acceptable and non-acceptable wastes.
921.03   Sanitary sewer connection fee.
921.04   Foundation drains; sanitary sewer plans.
921.05   Sewer user regulations.
921.06   Sewer tap permits.
921.07   Extra-territorial users.
921.99   Penalty.
Power to regulate water closets and privies - see Ohio R.C. 715.40
Power to construct sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 715.40, 717.01
Compulsory sewer connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06
Management and control of sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 729.50
Regulations to control house sewers and connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.51
   The Division of Water and Sewer shall make and enforce such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the enforcement of the provisions hereof, for the proper determination and collection of the rates and charges herein provided and for the safe, efficient and economical management of the system. Such rules and regulations, when not repugnant to existing ordinances of the Municipality or laws of the State shall have the same force and effect as ordinances of Council.
(Ord. 1965-9. Passed 12-14-65.)
   (a)   The discharge of nonacceptable industrial wastes, as hereinafter defined, into the system, whether directly or indirectly, is hereby prohibited. Where investigation reveals the presence in the system of nonacceptable industrial wastes emanating from any lot, land, building or premises, located within or without the corporate limits of the Municipality, the owner, lessor, renter or occupant of such lot, land, building or premises, shall be required to treat, neutralize or in other ways prepare the noxious substance therein to the satisfaction of the Division of Water and Sewer in order to convert the same into acceptable industrial wastes.
   (b)   For the purposes of this section the terms "acceptable industrial waste" and "nonacceptable industrial waste" are defined as follows:
      (1)    "Acceptable industrial waste" means liquid waste materials not containing toxic or explosive elements or other substances injurious to sewers or sewage treatment processes, which result from any commercial, manufacturing or industrial operation or process.
      (2)    "Nonacceptable industrial waste" means liquid wastes in which are incorporated minerals, oil, acid, toxic metallic or chemical substances, resulting from any commercial, manufacturing or industrial operation or process. (Ord. 1965-9. Passed 12-14-65.)
   (a)    In R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts. Before approval of proposals for the installation of additional sanitary sewers or connection to existing sanitary sewers, and at the time the plan for such installation or connection is submitted to the Planning Commission and related agencies of the Municipality, each lot proposed to be created by such plan shall be assessed the sum of six hundred dollars ($600.00), or such different sum as may be established by separate ordinance of Council, payable at the time a zoning permit is issued, which permit shall not be issued until such charge is paid.
   (b)   Zoning Districts other than R-1 or R-2 (Single-Family). Before approval of proposals for the installation of additional sanitary sewers or connection to existing sanitary sewers, and at the time the plan for such installation or connection is submitted to the Planning Commission and/or related agencies of the Municipality, each use proposed to be created by such plan shall be assessed at the ratio the Ohio Department of Health estimates the daily sewage flow to be in relation to single-family uses. Such payment shall be paid prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.
   (c)   Sewage Flow Guide Adopted. The current Sewage Flow Guide as adopted from time to time by the Ohio Department of Health shall be deemed a part of this section. Excerpts from the current guidelines of the Ohio Department of Health, adopted May 7, 1970, are attached to original Ordinance 1981-5, passed February 17, 1981. The current single-family base flow is 400 gallons per day.
   (d)   Manager to Determine Some Sewer Flow Ratios; Appeals. It is understood that the Ohio Department of Health Sewage Flow Guide will not specify every possible type of land use. In these instances, the Manager shall determine what the ratio shall be. The decision of the Manager may be appealed to Council by any aggrieved party by filing a request of Council review with the Clerk of Council.
(Ord. 1981-5. Passed 2-17-81.)