(a) After January 1, 1999, there is hereby levied and charged upon each lot, parcel of land or premises having a connection with the Sanitary Sewer system, or otherwise discharging sewage, industrial wastes, water or other liquids either directly or indirectly into the system, a sewage surcharge payable as hereinafter provided for the purpose of paying Indebtedness of the City of Canfield sanitary sewer collection system. The sewer surcharge shall be determined as follows:
(1) For each ten thousand dollars ($10,000) of Indebtedness, a maximum of $.028 per thousand gallons can be charged for each such lot, parcel of land or premise, based upon the quantity of water used thereon or therein as same is measured by the municipal water meter therein used, or other meters installed or approved by the Division of Water and Sewer. The aforestated charges of $.028 per thousand gallons shall be applicable to all categories of sewer users. Adjustments to this sewer surcharge will be made periodically by the Finance Director.
(b) The charges contained in this section shall only be assessed in the event of indebtedness in the sanitary sewer system and will only remain in effect until the Indebtedness is repaid.
(Ord. 2016-40. Passed 12-21-16.)
Sanitary sewer charges that are not paid by the due date shall have a penalty of ten percent (10%) added to each bill. Sale of water shall be discontinued on sanitary sewer accounts unpaid fifteen (15) days after the due date of the bill.
(Ord. 2009-05. Passed 2-4-09.)
In the event waste or sewage is discharged directly or indirectly into the system and the same is not measurable by a meter, then the City Manager shall make a determination based upon the sewer user charge system enacted of the quantity of waste or sewage so discharged and charge the contributor pursuant to Section 923.03.
(Ord. 2009-04. Passed 2-4-09.)
Any and all disputes or disagreements with charges for sewer use arising out of this section of the Canfield Ordinances shall be heard by a Board of Review. Any such dispute or disagreement must be filed with the City Clerk within thirty days of the date a charge is mailed to the user. Until such time as the Council of the City of Canfield establishes a Board of Review, the Review Board shall be comprised of the same members who sit on the Income Tax Board of Appeals. All proceedings of said Board shall be governed by applicable Ohio law regulating Municipal Appeals Boards. (All definitions and questions shall be resolved by referring to new sewer regulations).
(Ord. 2009-04. Passed 2-4-09.)
Over and above the rates and charges established by Section 923.03 there may be established in special instances and upon special agreement between the Municipality and the owner of any premises served by the system, such additional charges for industrial wastes of unusual strength or composition which are accepted by the Municipality for treatment as may be determined to be fair and equitable as determined by the sewer user charge system.
(Ord. 2009-04. Passed 2-4-09.)