In the event the owner or occupant shall fail to pay the reasonable expense of cutting weeds as provided for in § 98.03 and it becomes necessary to certify the expenses incurred by the city to the County Auditor and to place them upon the tax duplicate for collection as a special assessment, an additional charge of $10 shall be assessed for the purpose of defraying the cost of such certification.
(`63 Code, § 551.06) (Am. Ord. 72-96, passed 9-23-96)
The owner or agent of any lot or parcel of land bounding or abutting any public sidewalk, or walks adjacent to which there is any hedge planted or growing, shall keep such hedge trimmed on the side thereof adjacent and next to such sidewalk so that the hedge or branches thereof shall be a proper distance from such sidewalk or walks, and will in no manner discommode, interfere with, or inconvenience any person traveling on such sidewalk or walks.
(`63 Code, § 551.07) Penalty, see § 98.99
City Council hereby approves the following list of trees for planting on Wheeling Ave. in downtown Cambridge:
Acer Campestre ‘Evelyn’ | Queen Elizabeth Hedge Maple – upright 30-35 feet |
Acer x Freemanil ‘Celzem’ | Celebration Maple – upright 45 feet |
Amelanchier | Serviceberry (does well in shade – sensitive to drought, salt and pollution) |
Ginkgo Biloba | Princeton Sentry |
Gleditsia Triacanthos Inermis | Impale (smaller “thornless honeylocust”) |
Malus – Cultivars | Crabapples |
Pyrus Calleryana | Callery Pear |
Syringa Reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’ | Japanese Tree Lilac (small and narrow – good anywhere) |
Zelcova Serrata ‘Musahino’ | Musashino Zelcova |
Flowering Crabapple | |
(Ord. 36-06, passed 6-15-06)
Whoever violates any provision of this chapter, for which another penalty is not already provided, shall be fined not more than $150. Any such violation shall constitute a separate offense on each successive day continued. In addition to the penalty stated, there shall be assessed a $150 administrative fee for all services provided by the city and/or the Code Enforcement Officer as a result of noncompliance of the Property Maintenance Code.
(`63 Code, § 551.99) (Am. Ord. 63-83, passed 8-8-83; Am. Ord. 37-06, passed 7-10-06; Am. Ord. 47-08, passed 7-14-08; Am. Ord. 3-12, passed 1-23-12; Am. Ord. 44-16, passed 6-27-16)