City Council hereby approves the following list of trees for planting on Wheeling Ave. in downtown Cambridge:
Acer Campestre ‘Evelyn’ | Queen Elizabeth Hedge Maple – upright 30-35 feet |
Acer x Freemanil ‘Celzem’ | Celebration Maple – upright 45 feet |
Amelanchier | Serviceberry (does well in shade – sensitive to drought, salt and pollution) |
Ginkgo Biloba | Princeton Sentry |
Gleditsia Triacanthos Inermis | Impale (smaller “thornless honeylocust”) |
Malus – Cultivars | Crabapples |
Pyrus Calleryana | Callery Pear |
Syringa Reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’ | Japanese Tree Lilac (small and narrow – good anywhere) |
Zelcova Serrata ‘Musahino’ | Musashino Zelcova |
Flowering Crabapple | |
(Ord. 36-06, passed 6-15-06)